
The Scottish Strategy for Autism

Scottish Strategy for Autism to ensure that progress is made across Scotland in delivering quality services for people with autism and their families.


Autism is a national priority. Given the importance we all attach to this agenda, the development and creation of a new Scottish Strategy for Autism is vital to ensure that progress is made across Scotland in delivering quality services.

In September 2010, the Scottish Government consulted on the way ahead. The final Strategy is the result which will be delivered jointly with COSLA. The planned programme of activity is backed up with new resources of £10m over the next
4 years.

Strategic action is needed both nationally and locally. Children and adults on the autism spectrum each have a unique set of conditions which will not necessarily fall within the categories of learning disabilities or mental health, although these conditions may be present. Autism impacts on the whole life experience of people and their families. They need to be supported by a wide range of services such as social care, education, housing, employment and other community based services. A holistic, joined-up approach is necessary.

For the vision to be realised, concerted and shared action by all those involved is required. This is why we will be working closely together to deliver the improvements necessary for the people of Scotland.

Michael Matheson

Michael Matheson
Minister for Public Health

Councillor Douglas Yates

Councillor Douglas Yates

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