
The Scottish Strategy for Autism - Menu of Interventions

Guide to Interventions and Supports for People on the Autism Spectrum


I am delighted to introduce this guide to interventions and supports for people on the autism spectrum, as envisaged by Recommendations 10 and 11 of the Scottish Strategy for Autism as follows:

Recommendation 10: recommends that agencies and services develop a menu of interventions including advice, therapeutic interventions and counselling for children, young people and adults with an ASD, that are appropriate and flexible to individual need. This menu should identify advice and support that is immediately available, and set out the referral and assessment process for all other services and interventions.

Recommendation 11: recommends that consideration is given to the specific supports needed for the more able individuals with ASD.

I know this guide - which has been developed by a multi-agency group including people with ASD and their parents and carers- has been widely anticipated by autism professionals as well as those on the spectrum and their parents and carers.

The guide will help identify available advice and support and set out the referral and assessment processes for all other services and interventions.

I am confident that you find this guide an excellent tool for supporting people on the spectrum and their parents and carers and it will go a long way towards improving peoples' lives - a fundamental aim of the Scottish Strategy for Autism.

Michael Matheson
Minister for Public Health


Email: Alison Taylor

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