
The Scottish Strategy for Autism - Menu of Interventions

Guide to Interventions and Supports for People on the Autism Spectrum


As stated by the Public Health Minister and COSLA in the introduction to the Scottish Autism Strategy "Strategic action is needed both nationally and locally. Children and adults on the autism spectrum each have a unique set of conditions which will not necessarily fall within the categories of learning disabilities or mental health, although these conditions may be present. Autism impacts on the whole life experience of people and their families. They need to be supported by a wide range of services such as social care, education, housing, employment and other community based services. A holistic, joined-up approach is necessary".

The establishment of local autism strategies and their ongoing development and the implementation of the recommended interventions and supports has the potential to lead to major positive improvements in the lives of people with autism and their families. It is in keeping with the spirit as well as the good practice it highlighted in the Scottish Autism Strategy. It is hoped that the ultimate creation of experienced, dynamic teams working with individuals and their families will evolve to the significant, measurable benefit of those on the spectrum.

A note about the worked examples

Appendix 1: Example 1 was drawn up to demonstrate how the menu of interventions could be used across a whole area to identify services potentially able to meet the identified challenges.

Appendix 2: Example 2 is based on a case drawn up by a group of people affected by autism. The menu was then used to identify what his needs were and how and by whom they might be addressed. Both show how gaps in services can be identified.

Appendix 3: Example 3 is based on a child and adolescent case within a local authority area in Scotland. The menu was used to identify what their needs were and how and by whom they might be addressed and shows how gaps in services can be identified.

These are examples only and may vary from how other areas and individuals might use the menu of interventions.


Email: Alison Taylor

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