
The Scottish Strategy for Autism - Menu of Interventions

Guide to Interventions and Supports for People on the Autism Spectrum


"Children and adults on the autism spectrum each have a unique set of conditions which will not necessarily fall within the categories of learning disabilities or mental health, although these conditions may be present. Autism impacts on the whole life experience of people and their families." (Public Health Minister 2011)

The Scottish Autism Strategy highlights indicators of good practice for developing local autism provision and these include the development of local ASD strategies. It is for localities to decide how these are drawn up in their area but it is recommended that there is involvement with people representing all statutory and appropriate voluntary bodies, individuals on the spectrum and families.

This guide is intended to provide a framework for the development of these strategic plans around Scotland. It provides information, drawn from a wide range of professionals, individuals and families of people on the spectrum, regarding the challenges faced by people with ASD across the lifespan and ability range and how these might be best addressed. This is a flexible approach which allows for the guidelines to be used both generally, across services and locations, but also, more specifically, as required by individuals. (See worked examples Appendices 1-3 to illustrate how it might be used) It is not however, a comprehensive list of all possible interventions and supports nor can it provide information regarding the efficacy of specific interventions.


Email: Alison Taylor

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