
The Scottish Strategy for Autism

Scottish Strategy for Autism to ensure that progress is made across Scotland in delivering quality services for people with autism and their families.

Annex 3 Summary of recommendations


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group is reconvened on a long-term basis to include COSLA membership to oversee developments and to progress change. It should produce an annual report to relevant Ministers and the political leadership of COSLA.


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group works collaboratively, and offer support, to COSLA, NHS, criminal justice and other relevant public bodies to offer support to Local Authorities to effect the implementation of the various autism guidelines.


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group explores the benefits of ASD lead officers with the Association of Directors of Social Work and with COSLA to establish how rollout across Scotland might best be achieved.


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group meets with representatives of both SCSWIS and HIS, as well as other relevant regulatory bodies, such as those in education and criminal justice, with a view to learning about current developments and ensure that the needs and wishes of those on the spectrum are taking into account in future programmes.


It is recommended that Knapp's work on the economic costs of autism is analysed and applied to the Scottish context to inform strategy and planning on what interventions lead to positive impacts both for individuals and for the economy as a whole. Particular attention should be paid to his 'invest to save' assertion that if 4% of those with Asperger's were given appropriate support into work this would ultimately mean that those individuals may not require services and could contribute to the economy.


It is recommended that the effectiveness of implementation of the Commissioning guidance is reviewed by the ASD Reference Group by facilitating an audit of current service commissioning.


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group commissions research to examine and compare the outcomes in relation to quality of life for those who are supported by autism service providers and individuals who access generic provision and that relevant findings are used to inform revised guidance for commissioners of services for people with ASD.


The ASD Reference Group in collaboration with autism service providers will identify the key determinants of service provision that result in improved quality of life for people with ASD, across the spectrum and across the lifespan.


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group hosts an event to evaluate and recognise good practice in Scotland to disseminate models of practice, to evaluate success, recognise benefits and limitations and agree how to develop good models across the country in a way that is cost-effective.


It is recommended that agencies and services develop a menu of interventions including advice, therapeutic interventions and counselling for children, young people and adults with an ASD, that are appropriate and flexible to individual need. This menu should identify advice and support that is immediately available, and set out the referral and assessment process for all other services and interventions.


It is recommended that consideration is given to the specific supports needed for the more able individuals with ASD.


It is recommended that an evaluation of existing research is commissioned by the ASD Reference Group as well as consideration given to what further research is necessary with a view to disseminating what is available and to the commissioning some pieces that would be of particular practical value to people with ASD and their carers.


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group explore options for developing user and carer capacity to be able to participate in local planning processes.


It is recommended that the SDS Strategy Implementation Group and the SDS Bill Reference Group ensure representation from the autism community so that their interests are taken into account as further developments take place.


It is recommended that existing reports on the work of Scottish Autism Services Network are formally evaluated with a view to assessing its long-term viability and effectiveness.


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group contributes to a review of the SIGN guidelines and in doing so, considers where and how best this innovation might be replicated for adults and other relevant professions.


It is recommended that the Training Sub-Group of the main Reference Group is reconstituted and strengthened by the inclusion of an SCLD representative to undertake an audit of existing provision and to take evidence from grass roots trainers with a view to recognising strengths and gaps as well as identifying the means by which to further improve what is on offer.


It is recommended that good practice transition guidance is developed, building on from existing educational guidance, in order to support the lifelong challenges facing people with autism as they make daily and life-stage transitions.


It is recommended that a request is made to NHS QIS, as the body into which SIGN has been integrated, to develop guidelines for evidence-based approaches to the diagnosis and management of ASD in adults.


It is recommended that approaches are made to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons to establish the feasibility and desirability of disseminating ASD materials in e- CPD formats.


It is recommended that an assessment of national waiting lists is undertaken to clarify the extent of delays and that the ASD Reference Group considers and responds to these findings.


Initiatives to address waiting lists for assessment should include consideration of further training on the use of ADOS, ADI-R, 3di and DISCO to meet increased levels of demand.


It is recommended that the ASD Reference Group explore the ways diagnostic processes for adults and children are different and how this should inform practice.


It is recommended that the directory of individuals and teams undertaking assessment and diagnosis of ASD in Scotland is reviewed, updated and


It is recommended that a review is conducted with a view to updating and
re-distributing the quality diagnostic standard if it is found to continue to be of benefit.


It is recommended that the supported employment framework for Scotland is evaluated in terms of its impact on employment and employability for people with autism.

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