
The Scottish Strategy for Autism

Scottish Strategy for Autism to ensure that progress is made across Scotland in delivering quality services for people with autism and their families.


Autism Education Trust - was launched in November 2007 with funding from the Department for Children, Schools and Families. It is dedicated to co-ordinating and improving education support for all children on the autism spectrum in England.

Autism Initiatives - is a parent-led charity and a member of both the Autism Alliance and the Confederation of Service Providers for People with Autism ( CoSPPA).

Autism Resource Centre - is an innovative development for people with autism and their carers in Greater Glasgow. The service operates as a partnership between Glasgow City Council, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and voluntary organisations, including the National Autistic Society, Scottish Society for Autism and Strathclyde Autistic Society.

Camphill Scotland - one of the largest support networks for children, young people and adults with learning disabilities, mental health problems and other support needs.

Celtic Nation Autism Partnership- is working at the front line of national and international efforts, to improve the quality of life for people with autism.

Department of Health - Fulfilling and rewarding lives: the strategy for adults with autism in England

Health Talk On line - People's stories: see, hear and read their experiences. Healthtalkonline is the award-winning website of the DIPEx charity.

Independent Living in Scotland - This website is for disabled people and the Independent Living Movement and its allies in Scotland. It aims to strengthen the Movement by helping people to Get Connected! and by providing resources and tools so that disabled people can Get Active! and become better equipped to be part of the solution.

Learning Disability Alliance Scotland - is a campaigning organisation that helps people with learning disabilities and their families express their views to politicians on a local and national stage. It works with service users from a number of Scotland's leading voluntary organisations. Over the last few years, it has been involved in campaigns to extend the concessionary travel scheme to all DLA recipients, for greater control and choice in community care services and for better support for older families still caring for adult sons and daughters.

National Autistic Society Scotland - provides a range of advice and information services to people affected by autism and professionals/students. NAS help people at any stage in their life, from parents receiving a diagnosis for their child, an adult with autism looking for advice on supported employment, to professionals looking for the latest research.

NHS Education for Scotland - Learning Resource on Autism Spectrum Disorders

NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ( NICE) guideline Autism Spectrum Disorders in children and young people (September 2011)

Northern Ireland Autism Act 2011 -

Number 6 - is a service for adults (16 and over) with High Functioning Autism ( HFA) or Asperger Syndrome ( AS) who live in the Lothians. The service is provided by Autism Initiatives UK and was officially launched in June 2005, with the opening of the Number 6 One-Stop Shop.

Research Autism - is a charity which provides free, impartial and scientifically accurate information about autism treatments and therapies.

Self-Directed Support Scotland - The Scottish Government's Self-Directed Support website - your one stop shop for information on Self Directed Support in Scotland.

Scottish Autism - is an autism charity that exists to help those diagnosed with autism to lead full and enriched lives and become valuable members of the community they live in. They seek to maximise the individual potential of all those on the autistic spectrum and the organisation is dedicated towards helping them and those who additionally offer support to achieve this aim.

  • Help and advice 01259 720044

Scottish Autism Service Network - Part of the National Centre for Autism Studies at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. It provides a professional network for autism in Scotland, with the primary aim of building the capacity of the workforce to make a difference to the lives of people with autism and their families. The Scottish Autism Service Network structures support networking, access to impartial information through our information hub on their website.

Scottish Centre for Autism - The Centre works with children and young people age 0-18 years who may have Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

Scottish consortium for learning disability ( SCLD) - is a consortium of partner organisations who work together to encourage best practice in the support of people with learning disabilities through training, information, consultancy, research and public education.

Social Care Institute for Excellence (autism section)

Skills for Health - Autism skills and knowledge list -

Welsh Government - Autism Strategy

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