
Scottish Survey of Farm Structure and Methods, 2016

Scottish statistics from the EU Farm Structure Survey 2016.

Table 10: Method used for mating livestock

2013 2016
ewes cows ewes cows
number holdings number holdings number holdings number holdings
Naturally mated to home-bred male 1,751,715 8,359 244,115 6,395 1,516,893 7,342 230,813 4,656
Naturally mated to brought-in male 1,499,256 7,758 362,737 7,213 1,521,028 6,127 306,550 5,276
Artificial insemination with unsexed semen 25,744 862 114,642 4,976 13,687 228 126,765 2,173
Artificial insemination with sexed semen 131 5 18,668 3,273 680 11 38,079 739


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