
Scottish Survey of Farm Structure and Methods, 2016

Scottish statistics from the EU Farm Structure Survey 2016.

Table 12: Area of sown or cultivable land by soil cover method over winter 2015/16

2013 2016
hectares percentage of cultivable land number of holdings hectares per holding hectares percentage of cultivable land number of holdings hectares per holding
Autumn/ winter crops 215,034 32.5 8,211 26.2 246,814 41.9 5,859 42.1
Cover/ intermediate crop 23,757 3.6 6,086 3.9 21,448 3.6 2,205 9.7
Plant residues or stubble 309,875 46.8 9,317 33.3 245,860 41.7 9,524 25.8
Bare soil 113,098 17.1 7,152 15.8 74,792 12.7 2,797 26.7
Total 661,764 10,491 63.1 588,914 13,362 44.1

Note 1: Sum of sub-categories do not equal total holdings figure as holdings may employ more than one method of soil cover.

Sum of percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding. Excludes glasshouse crops and permanent crops and permanent grass.

Note 2: no equivalent data available for 2013


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