
Scottish Survey of Farm Structure and Methods, 2016

Scottish statistics from the EU Farm Structure Survey 2016.

Table 17: Manure and slurry storage (including covered storage)

  2013 2016
all holdings with storage …of which are covered all holdings with storage …of which are covered
number of holdings percentage of all holdings number of holdings as a percentage of holdings with storage number of holdings percentage of all holdings number of holdings as a percentage of holdings with storage
Storage for solid dung 8,963 27.1 1,253 12.7 6,178 19.2 720 11.7
Storage facilities for slurry… in a tank 3,838 3,487 11.6 10.5 2,354 61.3 3,007 2,739 9.3 8.5 1,872 62.3
in a lagoon 641 1.9 571 1.8
Total 9,882 29.8 8,482 85.8 7,161 22.2 6,204 86.6

Note: Sum of sub-categories do not equal base figure as holdings may employ more than one form of storage


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