
Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2014

Official statistics publication on equality groups across a range of measures from harmonised questions across the major SG population surveys.

Foreword by Scotland's Chief Statistician

I am pleased to welcome this second Official Statistics publication of the Scottish Surveys Core Questions ( SSCQ), which pools responses from the major population surveys in Scotland. The SSCQ provides us with immensely valuable information on the characteristics and attitudes of the people of Scotland across a number of topic areas. This publication provides results from the third collection period, and as a result it is the first time we can report on trends from the core over the period 2012 to 2014.

The SSCQ is the culmination of a review of the effectiveness and efficiency of the surveys, which aimed to improve the collection and impact of information of important public value. A range of stakeholders participated, including Beyond 2011 (National Records for Scotland) and the Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys 2009-2019 (Scottish Government), and have driven the strategic approach to align methodologies and harmonise questions between surveys where possible. The result is a pooled sample of core variables spanning several surveys.

This evidence feeds the user need for local data identified in consultations, and offers an unprecedented, rich resource for analysis of small socioeconomic and equality groups. This resource is being used to support single outcome agreements and benchmarking work of Community Planning Partnerships, and also more widely to measure demographic change across the public sector.

I would like to thank our contractors who have been implementing the Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys since 2012. It is only with their help that this collection is possible.

Most importantly, I would like to thank over 60,000 people who gave their time to participate in the Scottish Crime and Justice, Health and Household Surveys in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The information they have provided is invaluable in delivering the evidence for the continuing development of a fairer, healthier and safer Scotland.

Roger Halliday

Chief Statistician for Scotland

Scottish Government Strategy and Constitution Directorate


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