Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2014

Official statistics publication on equality groups across a range of measures from harmonised questions across the major SG population surveys.

List of Tables and Figures

Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2014
Figure 1: Overview of Tables

1 Topics in this report

Table 1: Good/very good general health, SHeS
Table 2: General health series, 2012-2014
Table 3: Long-term limiting health condition, SHeS
Table 4: Long-term limiting health conditions series, 2012-2014
Table 5: Current smokers, SHS
Table 6: Smoking prevalence, 2012-2014
Table 7: Provision of unpaid care, SHeS
Table 8: Provision of unpaid care, SSCQ 2014
Table 9: Perceived change in crime rate in local area, SCJS
Figure 2: Perceptions of how crime rates have changed locally in the past two years (Scottish Crime Surveys)
Table 10: Perception of Local Crime Rate series, SSCQ 2012-2014
Table 11: Police confidence responses, SCJS 2008/9-2014/15
Table 12: Police confidence questions series, SSCQ 2012-2014
Figure 3: Police confidence classes, SSCQ 2014

2 Age and Sex

Figure 4: General health by age group, SSCQ 2014
Table 13: General health by age and sex, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Figure 5: Long-term limiting health conditions by age group, SSCQ 2014
Table 14: Long-term limiting health conditions by age and sex, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Figure 6: Smoking prevalence by age group, SSCQ 2014
Table 15: Smoking prevalence by age and sex, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Figure 7: Average SWEMWBS score by age group, 2014
Table 16: Average SWEMWBS score by age group, 2014
Table 17: Provision of unpaid care by sex and age group, SSCQ 2014
Table 18: Provision of unpaid care by sex and age group, SSCQ 2014
Table 19: Local crime rate by age and sex, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012

3 Disability: Long-term limiting physical and mental health conditions

Table 20: Age profile of those with long-term limiting conditions, SSCQ 2014
Table 21 General health by disability, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 22: Proportions rating general health "Good" or "Very good" - age standardised disability result, SSCQ 2014
Table 23: Smoking prevalence by disability, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 24: Smoking prevalence - age standardised long-term limiting health condition groups, SSCQ 2014
Figure 8: Smoking prevalence by long-term limiting health conditions and age group, SSCQ 2014
Table 25: Smoking prevalence by long-term limiting health conditions and age group, SSCQ 2014
Table 26: Average SWEMWBS score by disability, 2014
Table 27: Average SWEMWBS score - age standardised disability groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 28: Provision of unpaid care by disability, SSCQ 2014
Table 29: Local crime rate by disability, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012

4 Ethnicity

Figure 9: Age profile of ethnic groups , SSCQ 2014
Table 30: Age profile of ethnic groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 31: General health by ethnic group, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 32: Good/very good general health - age standardised ethnic group result, SSCQ 2014
Figure 10: Long-term limiting health conditions by ethnic group
Table 33: Long-term limiting health conditions by ethnic group, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 34: Long-term limiting health conditions - age standardised ethnic group results, SSCQ 2014
Figure 11: Smoking prevalence by ethnic group, SSCQ 2014
Table 35: Smoking prevalence by ethnic group, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 36: Smoking prevalence - age standardised ethnic groups, SSCQ 2014
Figure 12: Smoking prevalence by ethnic group and sex, SSCQ 2014
Figure 13: Smoking prevalence by ethnic group and sex, SSCQ 2013
Figure 14: Average SWEMWBS score by ethnic group, 2014
Table 37: Average SWEMWBS score by by ethnic group, age standardised ethnic group, SSCQ 2014
Table 38: Provision of unpaid care by ethnic group, age standardised ethnic group, SSCQ 2014
Table 39: Local crime rate by ethnic group, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 40: Local crime rate - age standardised ethnic groups, SSCQ 2014

5 Religion

Figure 15: Age profile of religion groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 41: Age profile of religion groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 42: General health by religion, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 43: Good/very good general health - age standardised religious group result, SSCQ 2014
Table 44: Long-term limiting health conditions by religion, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 45: Long-term limiting health conditions - age standardised religious group results, SSCQ 2014
Table 46: Smoking prevalence by religion, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 47: Smoking prevalence - age standardised religion groups, SSCQ 2014
Figure 16: Smoking prevalence by religion and sex, SSCQ 2014
Table 48: Average SWEMWBS score by religion, 2014
Table 49: Provision of unpaid care - age standardised religion groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 50: Local crime rate by religion, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012

6 Sexual orientation

Table 51: Age profile of sexual orientation groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 52: General health by sexual orientation, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 53: General health - age standardised sexual orientation group results, SSCQ 2014
Table 54: Long-term limiting health conditions by sexual orientation, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 55: Long-term limiting health conditions - age standardised sexual orientation group results, SSCQ 2014
Table 56: Smoking prevalence by sexual orientation, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 57: Average SWEMWBS score by sexual orientation, 2014
Table 58: Provision of unpaid care by sexual orientation, SSCQ 2014
Table 59: Local crime rate by sexual orientation, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012

7 Country of Birth

Figure 17: Age profile of country of birth groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 60: Age profile of country of birth groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 61: Good/very good general health by country of birth, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 62: General health - age standardised country of birth group results, SSCQ 2014
Table 63: Long-term limiting health conditions by country of birth, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 64: Long-term limiting health conditions - age standardised country of birth results, SSCQ 2014
Figure 18: Long-term limiting health conditions by country of birth, SSCQ 2014 base and age standardised levels
Table 65: Smoking prevalence by country of birth, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 66: Average SWEMWBS score by country of birth, 2014
Table 67: Provision of unpaid care by country of birth, SSCQ 2014
Table 68: Local crime rate by country of birth, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012

8 Deprivation

Table 69: Deprivation distribution of protected equality groups, SSCQ 2014
Table 70: Age profile of deprivation quintile groups, SSCQ 2014
Figure 19: General health by deprivation, SSCQ 2014
Table 71: General health by deprivation, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 72: Proportions rating general health "Good" or "Very good" - age standardised SIMD quintile results, SSCQ 2014
Figure 20: Long-term limiting health conditions and deprivation, SSCQ 2014
Table 73: Long-term limiting health conditions by deprivation, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 74: Smoking prevalence by deprivation, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Figure 21: Average SWEMWBS score by deprivation, SSCQ 2014
Table 75: Average SWEMWBS score by deprivation, 2014
Table 76: Provision of unpaid care by deprivation, SSCQ 2014
Table 77: Local crime rate by deprivation, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Figure 22: Local crime rate by deprivation, SSCQ 2014

9 Subnational Geographies

Figure 23: General health by Health Board area, 2014
Table 78: General health by Health Board area; changes from 2013 and 2012
Figure 24: Long-term limiting health conditions by Health Board Area, 2014
Table 79: Long-term limiting health conditions by Health Board area; changes from 2013 and 2012
Figure 25: Smoking prevalence by Health Board, SSCQ 2014
Table 80: Smoking prevalence by Health Board, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Figure 26: Average SWEMWBS score by Health Board area, 2014
Figure 27: Average SWEMWBS score by Health Board area, 2014
Table 81: Provision of unpaid care by Health Board area, 2014
Table 82: Local crime rate by Police Scotland Division; changes from 2013 and 2012

10 Indicator Tables

Table 83: Self-assessed general health "Good" or "Very good", SSCQ 2014
Table 84: Long-term limiting health conditions, SSCQ 2014
Table 85: Smoking prevalence, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012
Table 86: Average SWEMWBS score, SSCQ 2014
Table 87: Provision of unpaid care, SSCQ 2014
Table 88: Local crime rate has fallen or stayed the same in the past 2 years, SSCQ 2014; changes from 2013 and 2012

11 Technical Notes

Table 89: Numbers of sample and effective sample pooled from the source surveys
Table 90: Grouping of religion in the SSCQ 2014
Table 91: Grouping of ethnic group in the SSCQ 2014
Figure 28: SWEMWBS unconverted and unweighted response totals, SSCQ 2014
Table 92: SWEMWBS Scoring - Metric Conversion
Figure 29: Unweighted distribution of the sum of SWEMWBS question scores
Figure 30: Unweighted distribution of SWEMWBS scores after metric conversion
Table 93: Contrast matrix for testing health board areas against residual national average

An Official Statistics publication for Scotland

Annex A: Comparison with Census

Table A.1: Tenure of Scottish households
Table A.2: Number of cars accessible by household members
Table A.3: Country of birth of adult population
Table A.4: Ethnic group of adult population
Table A.5: Religion of adult population
Table A.6: Economic activity
Table A.7: Highest achieved qualification
Table A.8: Self-assessed general health
Table A.9: Adults providing unpaid care

Annex B: Comparison of the pooled surveys

Table B.1: Self-assessed general health by survey (row % and margin of error)
Table B.2: Current smoker (row % and margin of error)
Table B.3: Long-term limiting health condition (row % and margin of error)
Table B.4: Average mental wellbeing score (scale from 7-35) and margin of error
Table B.5: Provides unpaid care (row % and margin of error)
Table B.6: Perception of local crime rate (row % and margin of error)
Table B.7: Confidence in the Police to… (row % and margin of error)


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