Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2017

Official statistics publication on equality groups across a range of measures from harmonised questions in the major Scottish Government population surveys.

List of Tables

Table 1: Age profile of adults with limiting long-term conditions, SSCQ 2017

Table 2: Age profile of ethnic groups, SSCQ 2017

Table 3: Age profile of religion groups, SSCQ 2017

Table 4: Age profile of sexual orientation groups, SSCQ 2017

Table 5: Age profile of country of birth groups, SSCQ 2017

Table 6: Age profile of deprivation quintile groups, SSCQ 2017

Table 7: Self-assessed general health “Good” or “Very good”, SSCQ 2017; changes since 2016 and 2012

Table 8: Limiting long-term health conditions, SSCQ 2017; changes since 2016 and 2012

Table 9: Smoking prevalence, SSCQ 2017; changes from 2016 and 2012

Table 10: Average SWEMWBS score, SSCQ 2017; changes since 2016 and 2014

Table 11: Provision of unpaid care, SSCQ 2017; changes since 2016 and 2014

Table 12: Crime in local area has fallen or stayed the same in the past two years, SSCQ 2017; changes from 2016 and 2012

Table 13: Very or fairly confident in the police to prevent crime, SSCQ 2017; changes from 2016 and 2012

Table 14: Very or fairly confident in the police to respond quickly to calls, SSCQ 2017; changes from 2016 and 2012

Table 15: Very or fairly confident in the police to deal with incidents as they occur, SSCQ 2017; changes from 2016 and 2012

Table 16: Very or fairly confident in the police to investigate incidents after they occur, SSCQ 2017; changes from 2016 and 2012

Table 17: Very or fairly confident in the police to solve crimes, SSCQ 2017; changes from 2016 and 2012

Table 18: Very or fairly confident in the police to catch criminals, SSCQ 2017; changes from 2016 and 2012

Table 19: Numbers of sample and effective sample pooled from the source surveys

Table 20: Grouping of religion in the SSCQ 2017

Table 21: Grouping of ethnic group in the SSCQ 2017

Table A.1: Self-assessed general health by source survey (row % and margin of error)

Table A.2: Current smoker by source survey (row % and margin of error)

Table A.3: Long-term limiting health condition by source survey (row % and margin of error)

Table A.4: Average mental wellbeing score by source survey (scale from 7-35 and margin of error)

Table A.5: Provides unpaid care by source survey (row % and margin of error)

Table A.6: Perception of crime in local area by source survey (row % and margin of error)

Table A.7: Confidence in the police by source survey (row % and margin of error)



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