Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022

Information on the composition, characteristics and attitudes of Scottish households and adults across a number of topic areas.

1.10 Presentation of Data on Veteran Status

This is the first time data on veteran status has been published as part of the SSCQ. Respondents were asked “Have you previously served in the UK Armed Forces?”, and the response options were presented as follows:

  1. No
  2. Yes, previously served in regular Armed Forces
  3. Yes, previously served in reserve Armed Forces

Current serving members were instructed to select the “No” option.

As with other questions, respondents could choose to answer “don’t know” or refuse to answer. For the SSCQ, both “Yes” response options were combined into a single “Yes” category.

Given this question has only been included in the SSCQ for the first time, it is not possible to provide any comparisons or trends over time.

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) conducted more detailed analysis on the 2021/22 veteran status data which can be found here.

Given this is the first time the SSCQ report on veteran status, we treat the data as “Official Statistics in Development” and welcome user feedback on how to improve the reporting of this information.

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