Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022

Information on the composition, characteristics and attitudes of Scottish households and adults across a number of topic areas.

1.9 Presentation of Data on Sex

The Scottish Government guidance on sex, gender identity and trans status changed in 2021. Questions about sex and trans history are now identical across the surveys forming part of the SSCQ.

From 2022 onwards, respondents are asked about their sex and trans history and status separately. For sex, there are three response options: “Male”, “Female” and “Prefer not to say”. For trans history and status, there are two response options: “Yes” and “No”. Those who select “Yes” for the trans history and status question can record their trans status in a free text box.

Due to the small number of respondents reporting a trans history and status, we are currently not publishing this data. For future publications, notably Multiyear SSCQ, we will work closely with Scotland’s Census 2022 Outputs team who are developing a framework for coding free text responses to the trans status question.

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