Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics: update to 30 September 2024

The quarterly update of Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics for June to September 2024. This includes quarterly statistics on Community Care Grants and Crisis Grants from 2019.

During July to September 2024, local authorities processed 92% of Community Care Grant applications within the target time of 15 working days (Table 8, Chart 4), and processed 95% of Crisis Grant applications within the target time of the end of the next working day (Table 10, Chart 5).

Two local authorities processed fewer than 80% of Community Care Grant applications on time: Falkirk (40%) and Aberdeen (73%) (Table 9), and five processed fewer than 90% of Crisis Grant applications on time: Falkirk (74%), Shetland (75%), North Lanarkshire (84%), Renfrewshire (87%) and Stirling (88%) (Table 11).

It is possible that cases are currently missing from the dataset used to produce this publication due to delays in processing or late returns, or due to cases being awarded in principle or ‘pending’ on local authority systems. It is therefore possible that estimates of the proportion processed within target times could change for the latest quarter in subsequent publications.

Chart 4: Initial Processing Times for Community Care Grants – Quarterly
This chart shows time series of the proportion of CCG applications within the processing time target per quarter since April 2019.
SWF Jan 25 Chart 4

Chart 5: Initial Processing Times for Crisis Grants – Quarterly
This chart shows time series of the proportion of CCG applications within the processing time target per quarter since April 2019.
SWF Jan 25 Chart 5

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