Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics: update to 30 September 2024

The quarterly update of Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics for June to September 2024. This includes quarterly statistics on Community Care Grants and Crisis Grants from 2019.

During July to September 2024, a larger proportion of Crisis Grants applications and awards were repeats (70% and 60%, respectively), compared to Community Care Grants (27% and 10%, respectively) (Tables 41-44, Chart 11).

Compared to the same quarter in 2023, the rates of repeat Community Care Grant applications and awards were two and three percentage points lower, respectively. The rate of Crisis Grants repeat applications and awards decreased by two and four percentage points, respectively.

The rates of repeat Crisis Grant applications and awards declined slightly after the highs seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, but in 2023 have been even higher. Increased rates of repeat applications and awards may be due to individuals continuing to experience financial hardship, at least partly due to the increased cost of living.

Chart 11: Repeat applications and awards for Community Care Grants and Crisis Grants – Quarterly
This chart shows time series of the numbers of repeat applications and awards to the Scottish Welfare Fund per quarter since April 2019, separated into the two schemes.
SWF Jan 25 Chart 11

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