Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics: Update to 31 December 2022

Information on the Scottish Welfare Fund to 31 December 2022.

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

Scottish Welfare Fund awards tend to go to applicants living in more deprived areas of Scotland. Around one in five people in Scotland live in the 20% most deprived areas in Scotland, as defined by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD). In the latest quarter, around half of Community Care Grants and Crisis Grants (both 50%) were awarded to applicants living in these areas. In comparison, 2% of both Community Care Grants and Crisis Grants were awarded to applicants from the 20% least deprived areas (Table 36, Table 37, Chart 12).

The average value of Crisis Grant awards were highest in quintiles four and five, and Community Care Grants were broadly similar across quintiles one to three, with lower values in the less-deprived areas. (Table 37, Chart 12).


Chart 12: Distribution of awards and average award value by SIMD 2020 Quintile rankings of applicant’s postcode – latest quarter

SWF Apr23 Chart 12

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