
Sea fishing - Firth of Clyde seasonal closures: Operation Galene

Operation plan detailing how Marine Scotland will monitor and ensure compliance with The Sea Fish (Prohibition On Fishing) (Firth Of Clyde) Order 2024.



The Sea Fish (Prohibition On Fishing) (Firth Of Clyde) Order 2024 closes two areas in the Firth of Clyde to all fishing from the 14 February 2023 to 30 April 2024 and 2025. The closures aim to protect the spawning sites of cod during the breeding season, and are targeted following scientific advice on the sediment types typically used by cod to create their mating sites or “Leks”.

Clyde cod spawning closures

“Operation GALENE”

This is a summary of our plan which details the actions Marine Directorate will take during the initial period of the closures. It describes how we will monitor vessels and catches of cod in the Firth of Clyde. 

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