
Sea Trout Fishery Statistics: 2013 Season

Sea trout catch statistics for Scotland for the 2013 season

Catch and Effort Reported by Scottish Sea Trout Fisheries In 2013

The rod and line fishery

In total, 3,655 sea trout were reported caught and retained in the rod and line fishery. A further 12,423 sea trout were reported caught and released. We have no comprehensive time series of fishing effort information associated with the rod and line fishery.

Total rod catches (retained and released) of sea trout for Scotland as a whole have declined over much of the period since 1952, when our records began. Total reported rod catch in 2013 was 16,078, the lowest in the 62-year time series (Figure 1).

Finnock are sea trout which have spent less than a year at sea before making their first return to fresh water. They may also be known as whitling or herling. Finnock catches have been reported since 2004 and are not included in any of the longer term data sets summarised here. The total rod catch of finnock in 2013 was 9,293 which was an increase of 34% compared to the previous 5-year average (Figure 1).

Catch and release

The proportion of the rod catch accounted for by catch and release has generally increased since 1994, when catch and release information was first recorded (Figure 2) and accounted for 77% of the total rod catch in 2013. Overall 90% of finnock taken by the rod fishery were subsequently released in 2013.

Figure 1: Rod and Line Fishery.

Figure 1: Rod and line fishery.

Figure 2: Catch and release, rod and line fishery.

Figure 2: Catch and release, rod and line fishery.

The net fisheries

Overall, 2,681 sea trout were reported caught and retained in the fixed engine fishery. The national index of fishing effort was 238 trap months. A total of 3,435 sea trout was reported caught and retained in the net & coble fishery, and the reported effort was 59 crew months.

Reported catch and effort in both net fisheries have declined over much of the period covered by our records and remain at historically low levels (Figures 3 & 4). In 2013, fishing effort in the fixed engine and net & coble fisheries was the sixth lowest and lowest, respectively, since records began in 1952. Reported catch in each fishery was 4% and 2% of the maximum reported in the respective time series.

Figure 3: Fixed Engine Fishery.

Figure 3: Fixed engine fishery.

Figure 4: Net and Coble Fishery.

Figure 4: Net and coble fishery.


Topic sheet no. 67 explains how we collect the catch statistics.

Topic sheet no. 68 summarises the salmon fishery statistics for the 2013 fishing season.

Both topic sheets are available for download at

Summary data for the 2013 fishing season are available for download at

The data provided for download are the best available at the time of publication. Our records are amended when further information is provided and the most accurate historical data may be obtained directly from us.


If you have a specific request for Scottish salmon and sea trout fishery information, please contact us directly at

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