
Sea trout fishery statistics - 2015 season

This publication summarises the sea trout fishery statistics based on returns from proprietors, occupiers or agents of fisheries throughout Scotland for the 2015 fishing season.


  • The total reported rod catch (retained and released) of sea trout for 2015 is 21,443. Although catches have declined over much of the period since 1952, when our records began. They appear to have stabilised in recent years and in 2015 were 96% of the previous 5-year average.
  • The proportion of the total rod catch accounted for by catch and release in 2015 is 79%. This is the second highest value reported since records began in 1994. A proportion of fish released from the rod fishery may be re-caught and hence inflate the catch statistics by appearing in the reported data more than once.
  • Catch and effort for both fixed engine and net & coble fisheries remain at historically low levels. Reported catch in each fishery was 1,521 and 2,760; 3% and 1% of the maximum reported in the respective time series. Fishing effort in these fisheries was 127 trap months and 57 crew months; the lowest and second lowest, respectively, since records began in 1952.

This publication summarises the sea trout fishery statistics based on returns from proprietors, occupiers or agents of fisheries throughout Scotland for the 2015 fishing season. These data are derived from 1,857 forms returned from 2,023 forms issued (92% return rate). Final published statistics for the previous 10 years have been based on return rates of between 93% and 95%.

These statistics are part of a time series which began in 1952 and are collected and collated by Marine Scotland Science.

A report summarising the trends in adult abundance indicators for Scottish sea trout stocks based on reported rod catch data is updated annually, in April. The latest publication, Marine Scotland Science Report 02/16 "Trends in adult return and abundance indicators for Scottish salmon and sea trout stocks 2015", may be downloaded at


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