
Offshore wind energy - sectoral marine plan: seabird tagging feasibility

How to undertake a seabird tagging study for species and colonies potentially impacted by the sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy

Appendix 1: Device manufacturers and tag types

Table A1. Potential device manufacturers and available models. Data collected (*optional extra): A) XY location; B) Date/Time; C) Instantaneous speed; D) GPS altitude; E) Air pressure; F) Water pressure/dive-depth; G) Temperature; H) Triaxial acceleration; J) Magnetometry; K) Light Intensity; L) Dive duration; M) Wet/dry or salt water immersion; N) Gyroscope
Tag Company Website Device name Device type Device weight (g) Device size (mm) Attachment method Suitable for Data collected Data rate Price on website (*subject to import duty) Solar recharging? Geofence?
Ornitela OrniTrack-9, -10, -15, 20, 25 GPS/ GSM 10 - 25 37×19×12 to 61×25×20 Harness or glue to back GANNE, HERGU, GBBGU, KITTI A,B,C,D,G,H,J,K,*E 1 second to 10 days *€880 - 1230 with 20% discount for >20 units Yes Yes
Ecotone Telemetry,4,35.html GPS-UHF (SRD) loggers GPS/ UHF 5 - 15 26×16×10 to 38×23×19 Harness, glue or Tesa tape to back All review species A,B,C,D,L,*F,*G,*M 1 - 240 min *No - option to ‘Ask about price’ Yes No,4,35.html GSM-GPRS-UHF (LRD) loggers GPS/ GSM 14 - 38 39×23×18 to 81×37×38 Harness, glue or Tesa tape to back GANNE, HERGU, GBBGU A,B,C,D,H,L,*E,*F, *G, *M 1 min - 24 hour *No - option to ‘Ask about price’ Yes No
Movetech Telemetry Flyway loggers GPS/ GSM 18 - 50 57.5×26.5×14.5 to 87×40×30 Harness, glue or Tesa tape to back GANNE, HERGU, GBBGU A,B,C,D,G,H, 1 min - 10 day £750 + VAT Yes No
Techno Smart Collaborating with Milsar for GSM units Axy-5 models and AGM Accelerometer/ Archival 2.5 - 4.5 to 60 15×10×4 to 22×13×10 to 70×41×14 Harness, glue or Tesa tape All review species G,H,J,*N,*E,*F 1 to 100 Hz *No No No Axy-trek mini and marine GPS/ Archival 4.5 - 6 and 14 - 59 22×13×10 to 40×20×8 to 69×40×14 Harness, glue or Tesa tape GANNE,KITTI,GUILL,RAZOR,PUFFI A,B,G,H,*F,*K,*M 8 or 10 bits *No No No Axy-trek remote and Gipsy GPS/ UHFor GPS/ GSM 9 - 59 24×14×10 to 69×40×14 Harness, glue or Tesa tape All except PUFFI A,B,G,H,*F,*J,*K,*M, *N 8 or 10 bits *No - possible similar to Milsar Yes No
Lotek / Biotrack LAT or ARCGEO TDR/ Archival 7 11×38 to 13×44 Leg GANNE, KITTI, GUILL, RAZOR B,F,G,K,M 10 secs + No No - long-term battery No LAT or ARCGEO GLS + TDR/Archival 6.2 - 10.6 or 3.4 11×38 to 13×44 or 21×9×9 Leg GANNE, KITTI, GUILL, RAZOR, PUFFI B,F,G,K,M 10 secs + £100 - 120 No - long-term battery No MK3 GLS <3 21×9×9 Leg GANNE, KITTI, GUILL, RAZOR, PUFFI B,G,K,M 10 secs + £115 to £130 +VAT + £185 for software interface No. 2-5 year lifespan No PinPoint VHF 240 / 350 GPS/ VHF 8 - 10 or 16-17 55×17× 11 Tesa tape, glue or harness GANNE, HERGU, GBBGU,GUILL, RAZOR A,B,G,H ~5,500 positions £1,072 per unit + VAT. + £735 base station + £215 download software No No
Milsar NanoRadio Tag-3 GPS/ UHF 3.5 ~25×10×10 Harness or glue HERGU, GBBGU, KITTI A,B,C,D ? *€1000 + €1000 basestation Yes Yes GsmTag-U9 GPS/ GSM and/or UHF 9.5 - 16 17×17×33 to 38×15×20 Harness or glue HERGU, GBBGU, KITTI A,B,C,D,G,H,J,N 5 min + *€1350 + €60 GSM fee Yes Yes
Migrate Technology Intigeo-W65A9-SEA or Intigeo-C65 or -C330 GLS 0.7 - 3.3 15×6×6 or 14×8×6 or 17×19×8 Leg GANNE,KITTI,GUILL,RAZOR, PUFFI B,K*G,*M 1 min £100 - 120 No - long-term battery No
PathTrack nanoFix-GEO+ RF GPS/ UHF 4+ 43x15x13 Harness or glue HERGU, GBBGU, KITTI,GUILL, RAZOR A,B,D,*M 5 min + No Yes No
Druid Technology Ultra GPS/ GSM 1.4 - 3 19×14.5×6.8 Harness or glue HERGU, KITTI A,B,G,H,K 1 hour *$999 - 1999 Yes No Debut -Lego GPS/ GSM 18.7 68×21×16 Harness HERGU A,B,G,H,K 1 min - 1 hour *$499- 899 Yes Yes
Interrex - same products as Druid Tech Interrex GPS/ GSM 8.4 - 9.8 43×25×12 to 43×25×30 Harness or glue HERGU, KITTI A,B,D,G,H,K, 5 min - 1 day No - Druid Tech price = $899 Yes No Omni GPS/ GSM 10.2 - 15.2 50.8×24.2×12.8 to 51×24.2×20.4 Harness of glue HERGU, KITTI A,B,D,G,H,K 5 min - 1 day No - Druid Tech price = $899 No
UvA UvA-BiTS GPS/ VHF 7.2 - 22.5 57.5×26.5×14.5 Harness HERGU,GBBGU A,B,H,*E 1 sec + *No Yes Yes
Microwave Technology GPS/GSM 20-70 GPS/ GSM 20 - 70 64×23×17 + antenna Harness or glue GBBGU A,B,C,D,G 1 min + *$3950 + $30 GSM fee Yes No Solar Argos/ GPS PTTs GPS/ PTT 17 - 70 62×17×17 to Harness or glue HERGU,GBBGU A,B,C,D 1 min - 2 hour variable on battery *$3650 - 4200 Yes No
Global Messenger HQBV0702 GPS/ VHF 2.2 7×12×18 Harness, possibly glue HERGU,GBBGU (not dive proof) ? 4 hour - 12 hour *No Yes No HQBG0804 GPS/ GSM 4.5 9×18×22.5 Harness, possibly glue HERGU,GBBGU, KITTI (dive proof to 10m) ? 5 min + *No Yes No HQBG1206 GPS/ GSM 6.7 12×20×32 Harness, possibly glue HERGU,GBBGU, KITTI (dive proof to 10m) ? 4 hour *No Yes No HQBG2009P GPS/ GSM 9 16×21×35 Harness, possibly glue HERGU,GBBGU, KITTI (dive proof to 10m) ? 2 hour *No Yes No HQBN2210 GPS/ GSM 10 22×22×47 Harness, possibly glue HERGU,GBBGU (dive proof to 10m) ? 5 min + *No Yes No HQBG1512S GPS/ GSM 13 15×19×48 Harness, possibly glue HERGU,GBBGU (dive proof to 10m) ? 1 hour *No Yes No
i -gotU GT120 GPS/ Archival ~18 44.5×28.5×13 Tesa tape GANNE, KITTI, GUILL, RAZOR A,B 64,000 locations possible, 5 sec for 15hr to 1 hour for 2 months. ~$65 - 80 No No
Debug Innovations Ltd Mataki- Lite GPS/ VHF 3.5 34×21.75 Tesa tape GANNE, KITTI, GUILL, RAZO, PUFFI A,B,K 3184 locations possible *No No No Mataki- Classic GPS/ VHF 10 +battery 44×21.75 Tesa tape GANNE, KITTI, GUILL, RAZOR A,B,E,G,K 932066 locations possible *No No No
Cefas CEFAS G5 TDR 2.7 - 6.5 8×31 or 12×36.5 Leg GANNE, KITTI, GUILL, RAZOR, PUFFI B,G,F,*L,*M 10 Hz £280 + VAT for 10+ to £230 + VAT for 50+ Plus also £120 + VAT for unit to connect device to PC. No No



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