
Seasonal migrant workers in Scottish agriculture: research report

Outlines the main findings of research into seasonal migrant workers in Scottish agriculture, including: their number and demographics; the experiences of employers and seasonal migrant workers; and the long-term viability of this sector.


1. Fair Work First: guidance - (

2. For example RSABI

3. LFS: ILO unemployment rate: Scotland: All: %: SA - Office for National Statistics (

4. LFS: ILO unemployment rate: Scotland: All: %: SA - Office for National Statistics (

5. Rural Scotland Key Facts 2021 - (

6. Climate Change Plan 2018-2032 - update: strategic environmental assessment - draft - (

7. Safeguarding food security - (

8. The Fair Work Framework - The Fair Work Convention

9. Scottish Agricultural Wages Board - (

10. For example RSABI

11. For example RSABI

12. For example RSABI

13. Fair Work First: guidance - (

14. For example RSABI

15. A smaller sample of 8 farms (representing 1,995 seasonal workers) from 2019 showed Romania (58%) and Bulgaria (25%) as dominant in providing the labour pool (Thomson and McMorran 2019).

16. Fair Work has been defined in Scottish Government's Fair Work Framework as 'work that offers effective voice, respect, security, opportunity and fulfilment; it balances the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers, and can generate benefits for individuals, organisations and society'. (Fair Work: action plan). See also the information sheets on Fair Work and Fair Work Practices (Fair work practices in procurement: toolkit).



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