
Seaweed Policy Statement Consultation Analysis Report 2014

Analysis of the responses received from the Draft Seaweed Policy Statement Consultation 2013.

1 Draft Seaweed Policy Statement (SPS) consultation document: analysis

This section introduces the Draft Seaweed Policy Statement consultation document and the report of the consultation analysis.

1.1 Consultation document

1.1.1 The Draft Seaweed Policy Statement consultation document [1] (draft SPS) set out the Scottish Government's draft policies regarding both the cultivation of seaweed at different scales of development and its inclusion in Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture ( IMTA). The consultation proposed nine seaweed cultivation policies, explored the most suitable regime for consenting seaweed cultivation, discussed options for managing the sustainable growth of the seaweed wild harvesting industry, and sought views on the potential diversification of marine species to be farmed.

1.1.2 The objective of the consultation was to seek comments on these topics from the seaweed cultivation and harvesting industry, other related marine industries (including aquaculture), interested stakeholders and members of the public.

1.1.3 The draft consultation document was published on the Scottish Government website on 26 August 2013. The document included a partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment ( BRIA) of the proposals, and was accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Assessment ( SEA) Environmental Report [2] . The consultation period ran from 26 August to 13 November 2013, and was advertised in both national and local newspapers [3] .

1.2 Consultation analysis

1.2.1 This analysis of consultation responses has been undertaken on behalf of Marine Scotland by the Scottish Government's Environmental Assessment Team. The analysis was undertaken in accordance with the Scottish Government's good practice guidance [4] (May 2010), and the findings are presented in this report.

1.2.2 This report is structured as follows:

  • Section 1 (this section) provides an introduction to the consultation document.
  • Section 2 provides an overview of the consultation questions and the method of analysis.
  • Section 3 sets out details of the number of responses received and the sectors and stakeholder groups who responded to the consultation.
  • Section 4 provides an overall summary of the key issues raised.
  • Sections 5 - 8 outline the issues raised by respondents for each of the consultation questions.
  • Section 9 provides a summary of additional comments made by the respondents in their submissions.


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