
Secondary school-aged pupils in Scotland - mental wellbeing, relationships and social media: report

This report outlines findings from a survey of 1,361 pupils from 50 secondary local authority schools in Scotland. The pupils completed the survey between 8th February and 2nd April 2021, and responded to questions about their mental wellbeing, relationships and social media use.

Annex 1

Weighted sample characteristics before and after excluding incomplete WEMWBS responses

Characteristic Category Weighted sample before exclusion Weighted sample after exclusion
Gender identity Female 48% 48%
Male 48% 48%
School year S1 19% 14%
S2 19% 18%
S3 18% 18%
S4 17% 18%
S5 15% 17%
S6 11% 14%
Gender identity and school year Female S1 8% 6%
Male S1 10% 7%
Female S2 8% 7%
Male S2 10% 10%
Female S3 8% 9%
Male S3 9% 9%
Female S4 9% 10%
Male S4 8% 8%
Female S5 9% 10%
Male S5 6% 7%
Female S6 6% 8%
Male S6 4% 5%
Physical or mental health condition Yes 18% 19%
No 59% 59%
Urban or rural Urban 81% 80%
Rural 19% 20%
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 1 (most deprived) 22% 19%
2 19% 19%
3 19% 18%
4 20% 22%
5 (least deprived) 20% 22%
Caring responsibilities Yes 13% 12%
No 80% 83%



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