Secondment: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy aims to ensure that secondment arrangements involving NHSScotland staff are appropriately managed and that applications for secondment by NHSScotland staff are not unreasonably refused.

1 Introduction

1.1 Secondment is increasingly recognised by many employers in both public and private sector industries as valuable for both employee and organisational development.

1.2 Secondments offer employees career development opportunities and are increasingly used as part of talent management programmes. They offer a means of encouraging development and growth, allowing employees to gain skills and knowledge not necessarily available within their own substantive post or organisation. As such, secondment can serve to retain and develop experienced and skilled employees.

1.3 Secondment can also be utilised to develop and share skills within and across employers.

1.4 This policy outlines the key principles of secondment for NHSScotland. It extends secondment beyond traditional boundaries and is based on best practice from public and private sectors.

1.5 The PIN policy also includes a model policy on secondment for NHSScotland Boards, which will be the basis for reaching local agreement. Whilst Boards may wish to develop their own local policy, in partnership, on secondment, such local policy must either meet or exceed the provisions of this PIN policy.


Email: Darren Paterson

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