
Sectoral marine plan: appropriate assessment

Assessment of the implications of the sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy for designated special areas of conservation special protection areas, candidate special areas of conservation and proposed special protection areas in view of the sites' conservation objectives.


AA Appropriate Assessment

AEOSI Adverse Effect on Site Integrity

CES Crown Estate Scotland

cSAC Candidate Special Areas of Conservation

DPOs Draft Plan Options

dSPA Draft Special Protection Areas

EMF Electromagnetic field

FAD Fish aggregating device

GW Gigawatts

HRA Habitats Regulations Appraisal

INNS Invasive Non-Native Species

IPR Iterative Plan Review

JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee

LSE Likely Significant Effect

MS-LOT Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team

MSS Marine Scotland Science

MW Megawatts

Nm Nautical Miles

OWF Offshore windfarm

PO Plan Options

pSPA Potential Special Protection Areas

RSPB Scotland Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Scotland

s.36 Section 36, Electricity Act 1989

SA Sustainability Appraisal

SAC Special Areas of Conservation

SCI Site of Community Importance

ScotMER Scottish Marine Energy Research Programme

SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEIA Socio Economic Impact Assessment

SNCB Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies

SNH Scottish Natural Heritage (now NatureScot)

SPA Special Protection Areas

The Plan Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy

WCS Worst Case Scenario

WTG Wind turbine generators



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