
Sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy: context report

Explains the background and more recent developments in offshore wind.

1 Introduction

1.1.1 The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring secure, reliable and affordable energy supplies within the context of long-term decarbonisation of energy generation. Continued growth of the renewable energy sector in Scotland is an essential feature of the future clean energy system and a potential key driver of economic growth.

1.1.2 Offshore wind is a large scale technology with the potential to play a pivotal role in Scotland’s energy system over the coming decades. The development of technologies such as floating wind, which offer scope for development in deeper water, have significant potential to contribute offshore wind energy supply at affordable prices. The Draft Sectoral Plan for Offshore Wind published in 2013 [1] focused on conventional offshore wind technologies. The Scottish Government is therefore seeking to develop an updated Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy which encompasses deep water plan options to provide the strategic framework for future offshore wind deployment in Scottish waters.

1.1.3 The UK Government’s Industrial Strategy rightly points to the achievements of the offshore wind industry, and the potential that it represents. The Scottish Government will continue to work with the UK Government to ensure that its approach under the proposed offshore wind Sector Deal takes Scotland’s offshore wind potential and opportunity fully into account.


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