
Sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy: social and economic impact assessment scoping report

Sets out the methodology and scenarios for scoping and undertaking a socio-economic impact assessment.

A.18. References

A.18.1 Introduction

References by section are listed below.

A.18.2 Aquaculture

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Celtic Seas Partnership (2016). Future Trends in the Celtic Seas, Scenarios Report, ABPmer Report No. R.2584d. A report produced by ABPmer & ICF International for Celtic Seas Partnership, August 2016. Available online:

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Scotland's Aquaculture, 2015. Natural Scotland, Scottish Government website: Scotland's Aquaculture. Available online:

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A.18.3 Aviation

ABPmer and RPA, 2013. Developing the socio-economic evidence base for offshore renewable sectoral marine plans in Scottish Waters. Report R.2045, June 2013. Appendix B.

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A.18.4 Carbon Capture and Storage

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A.18.5 Coast Protection and Flood Defence

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A.18.6 Energy Generation

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A.18.7 Commercial Fisheries

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A.18.8 Military Defence

HM Government, 2015. National security strategy and strategic defence and security review 2015. Available online at:

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A.18.9 Oil & Gas

Oil and Gas UK, 2017. Economic report 2017. Available online:

Scottish Government, 2016. Oil and Gas production statistics: 2015-16. An official statistics publication for Scotland. 14 September 2016. Available online at:

A.18.10 Ports and Harbours

Centre for Economics and Business Research ( Cebr), 2017a. The economic contribution of the UK ports industry. A report for Maritime UK. Available online:

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A.18.11 Power Interconnectors

AECOM and ABPmer, 2015. ISLES spatial planning and sustainability appraisal. Irish Scottish links on energy study: ISLES II: Towards implementation.

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A.18.12 Recreational Boating

EKOS, 2016. Sailing tourism in Scotland. Report for The Crown Estate, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Scottish Canals. December 2016.

Land Use Consultants ( LUC), 2016. Scottish marine recreation and tourism survey 2015. Final report prepared by LUC, March 2016.

Marine Tourism development Group ( MTDG), 2016. A strategic framework for Scotland's marine tourism sector: awakening the giant. Available online:

A.18.13 Commercial Shipping

ABPmer and RPA, 2013. Developing the socio-economic evidence base for offshore renewable sectoral marine plans in Scottish Waters. Report R.2045, June 2013. Appendix B.

Oxford Economics, 2015. The economic impact of the UK maritime services sector: Shipping. May 2015

A.18.14 Telecommunication Cables

AECOM and ABPmer, 2015. ISLES spatial planning and sustainability appraisal. Irish Scottish links on energy study: ISLES II: Towards implementation.

Elliott, C., Al-Tabbaar, O., Semeyutin, A., and Tchouamou Njoya, E. (2016). An Economic and Social Evaluation of the UK Subsea Cables Industry. A report commissioned by The European Subsea Cables Association and The Crown Estate. Available at:

A.18.15 Tourism

AECOM and ABPmer, 2015. ISLES spatial planning and sustainability appraisal. Irish Scottish links on energy study: ISLES II: Towards implementation.

Aitchison, 2012. Tourism Impact Assessment Report. Appendix 8.1. Llanbrynmair Wind Farm, Volume II - Supplementary Environmental Information: Supporting Appendices.

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A.18.16 Waste Disposal (Dredge Material)

Marine Scotland, 2016. Marine Scotland Information webpage, available at: [accessed 19.12.17].

A.18.17 Water Sports

Land Use Consultants ( LUC), 2016. Scottish marine recreation and tourism survey 2015. Final report prepared by LUC, March 2016.

Radford, A., Riddington, G. and Gibson, H., 2009. Economic Impact of Recreational Sea Angling in Scotland. Prepared for the Scottish Government. July 2009. ISBN: 978-0-7559-8130-4


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