
Offshore wind energy - draft sectoral marine plan: regional locational guidance

Regional locational guidance (RLG) prepared for the draft sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy.


1. The Scottish Government. 2013. Planning Scotland's Seas - Sectoral Marine Plans for Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy in Scottish Waters Consultation Draft.
Available at: /binaries/content/documents/ govscot/publications/consultation-paper/2013/07/draft-sectoral-marine-plans-offshore-renewable-energy-scottish-waters-consultation/documents/00428241-pdf/00428241-pdf/govscot:document/

2. The Scottish Government, 2011. Blue Seas - Green Energy. A Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy in Scottish Territorial Waters Part A, The Plan.
Available at:

3. Scottish Government, 2018. Offshore Wind Sectoral Marine Plan Scoping Consultation.
Available at

4. Scottish Government, 2018. Sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy: context report.
Available at

5. Scottish Government, 2018. Sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy: social and economic impact assessment scoping report.
Available at .

6. Scottish Government, 2018. Sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy: strategic habitat regulations appraisal pre-screening report.
Available at

7. Scottish Government, 2018. Sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy: strategic environmental assessment screening and scoping report.
Available at

8. Scottish Government, 2018. Search areas for offshore wind energy: scoping study.
Available at

9. The Carbon Trust (2015) Floating Offshore Wind : Market and Technology Review.
Available at:

10. Statoil (2015) Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Environmental Statement. doi: EnvironmentSociety/Environment/impactassessments/NewEnergy/IntWind/Pages/HywindScotland.aspx.

11. The Carbon Trust (2015) Floating Offshore Wind : Market and Technology Review.
Available at:

12. Scottish Government, 2018. Search areas for offshore wind energy: scoping study.
Available at

13. ABPmer. 2017. Atlas of UK Marine Renewable Energy Resources.
Available at: Accessed 30/09/2018.

14. ibid

15. National Grid. 2018. Future Energy Scenarios.
Available at Accessed 15/10/2018

16. National Grid. 2018. Network Options Assessment 2017/2018.
Available at sites/default/files/documents/Network-Options-Assessment-2017-18.pdf. Accessed 15/10/2018

17. ch2m. 2016. Scenario Mapping: The economic benefits of offshore wind energy in the East and North East regions of Scotland. Report to Marine Scotland, East Coast Renewables and The Crown Estate, April 2016.

18. Celtic Seas Partnership. 2016. Future Trends in the Celtic Seas, Scenarios Report, ABPmer Report No. R.2584d. A report produced by ABPmer & ICF International for Celtic Seas Partnership, August 2016.

19. ch2m. 2016. Scenario Mapping: The economic benefits of offshore wind energy in the East and North East regions of Scotland. Report to Marine Scotland, East Coast Renewables and The Crown Estate, April 2016.

20. Wave Energy Scotland. 2017.
Available at Accessed 04/10/2018.

21. SIMEC Atlantis Energy. 2018.
Available at Accessed 04/10/2018.

22. Nova Innovation. 2018.
Available at Accessed 04/10/2018.

23. Scottish Government. 2019. Renewable Electricity Planning Statistics for Scotland.
Available at Data as at March 2019.

24. ibid.

25. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

26. United Kingdom Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS). 2010. Charting Progress 2 Feeder Report Productive Seas. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of UKMMAS (Eds. Saunders, J. and McKie, J.) 472pp
Available online:

27. Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks. 2018. Completion of Caithness-Moray transmission link.
Available at: Accessed 15/07/2019.

28. AECOM and ABPmer. 2015. ISLES spatial planning and sustainability appraisal. Irish Scottish links on energy study: ISLES II: Towards implementation.

29. SSEN. 2019. SSEN statement on Western Isles and Shetland Needs Case consultations.
Available at:

30. North Connect. 2018. HVDC Cable Infrastructure- UK Construction Method Statement.
Available at: Accessed 08/10/2018.

31. European Network of Transmission Systems. Undated. Project 294- Maali.
Available at Accessed 24/10/2018

32. Awaiting data to include planned and potential future interconnector routes.

33. ABPmer. 2018. Study of the socio-economic benefits of marine industries included in the Seabed User and Developer Group. ABPmer Report No. R.3060.

34. Department for International Trade. 2014. Communications industry in the UK: investment opportunities. February 2014.
Available at

35. Elliott, C., Al-Tabbaa, O., Semeyutin, A. and Tchouamou Njoya, E. 2016. An Economic and Social Evaluation of the UK Subsea Cables Industry. University of Huddersfield. A report commissioned by Subsea Cables UK and The Crown Estate.
Available at

36. Pugh, D. 2008. Socio-economic Indicators of Marine-related Activities in the UK economy. The Crown Estate, 68pp.

37. TeleGeography. not dated. Submarine Cable Map.
Available at:

38. AECOM and ABPmer. 2015. ISLES spatial planning and sustainability appraisal. Irish Scottish links on energy study: ISLES II: Towards implementation.
Available at

39. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

40. Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. 2018. Plan to enable first UK carbon capture project from the mid 2020s announced at world-first summit.
Available at: Accessed on 15/07/2019.

41. Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage (SCCS). 2009. Opportunities for CO2 storage around Scotland: An integrated strategic research study. Report for the Scottish Government. April 2009.

42. ACT Acorn. 2018. ACT Acorn feasibility study.

43. Shell U.K Limited (Shell). 2015. Peterhead CCS Project Announcement.
Available at Accessed 17/09/2018.

44. HM Government. 2017. The Clean Growth Strategy, Leading the way to a low carbon future.

45. Committee on Climate Change. 2018. Reducing UK emissions, 2018 Progress Report to Parliament.
Available at:

46. Committee on Climate Change. 2018. Reducing emissions in Scotland, 2018 Progress Report to Parliament.
Available at

47. Committee on Climate Change. 2018. Reducing UK emissions, 2018 Progress Report to Parliament.
Available at

48. Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise. 2011. Carbon Capture and Storage - A Roadmap for Scotland. Progress Report - May 2011.
Available at

49. ABPmer and ICF. 2018. Study of the socio-economic benefits of marine industries included in the Seabed User and development Group. ABPmer Report No. 3060.

50. Scottish Government. 2017. Scottish Energy Strategy: The future of energy in Scotland.
Available at: Accessed 10/10/2018

51. Scottish Government. 2018. Energy in Scotland 2018.
Available at: Accessed 10/10/2018

52. Scottish Government. 2018. Oil and Gas Production Statistics.
Available at: Accessed 10/10/2018

53. Oil and Gas UK. 2017. Economic Report 2017.
Available at: Accessed 10/10/2018

54. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

55. Total. 2018. Total announces major gas find offshore UK 24/09/2018.
Available at Accessed 24/10/2018.

56. National Grid. 2018. Future Energy Scenarios in five minutes.
Available at: Accessed 10/10/2018.

57. Committee on Climate Change. 2018. Reducing UK emissions.
Available at: Accessed 10/10/2018

58. Awaiting data to include oil and gas pipeline infrastructure

59. Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee. 2018.
Available at Accessed 23/10/2018.

60. Airport Operators Association and Civil Aviation Authority. 2016. Safeguarding of Aerodromes, Advice Note 5. Renewable Energy and Impact on Aviation.
Available at Accessed 25/10/2018.

61. United Kingdom Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS). 2010. Charting Progress 2 Feeder Report Productive Seas. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of UKMMAS (Eds. Saunders, J. and McKie, J.) 472pp
Available online:

62. UK Government. 2013. Guidance: Military low flying.
Available at Accessed 18/10/2018

63. Fisheries Research Services. 1996. Report No. 15/96 Surveys of the Beauforts Dyke Explosives Disposal Site, November 1995 - July 1996.

64. Scottish Government. 2015. Defence (Military)- Historic munitions disposal sites - January 2015.

65. United Kingdom Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS). 2010. Charting Progress 2 Feeder Report Productive Seas. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of UKMMAS (Eds. Saunders, J. and McKie, J.) 472pp
Available online:

66. Marine Science Co-ordination Committee. 2015. Economic value and employment in the UK of activities carried out in the marine environment.
Available at

67. MOD. 2019. Data tables relating to Finance and economics annual statistical bulletin: MOD regional expenditure with UK industry and commerce and supported employment 2017/18.
Available for download from:

68. MOD. 2017. Quarterly Location Statistics(QLS) 1 October 2017.
Available at Accessed 11/10/2018.

69. Scottish Government, 2018. Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2017.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/2018.

70. MMO, 2018. UK Sea Fisheries Statistics, 2017.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/2018.

71. Scottish Government, 2018. Ibid.

72. Scottish Government, 2018. Ibid.

73. Scottish Government. 2012. Offshore Wind Energy in Scottish Waters - Draft Regional Locational Guidance. doi: 10.7489/1686-1

74. Scottish Government, 2018. Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2017.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/2018.

75. NAFC, 2017. Shetland Fisheries Statistics 2016. Ian R. Napier. NAFC Marine Centre, University of the Highlands and Islands.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/18.

76. Scottish Government, 2018. Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2017.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/2018.

77. ibid

78. Marine Scotland, 2018. Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics. Published by The Scottish Government, October 2018. 77 pages.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/18.

79. Scottish Government, 2018. Ibid.

80. Marine Scotland, 2018. Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics. Published by The Scottish Government, October 2018. 77 pages.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/18.

81. Marine Scotland, 2018. Ibid.

82. Seafish, 2017. 2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report.
Available at: Accessed 22.10.18.

83. Scottish Government, 2018. Scottish Government, 2018. Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2017.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/2018.

84. Scottish Government. 2018. Aquaculture Growth to 2030, A strategic plan for farming Scotland's seas.
Available at

85. Scottish Government. 2018. Aquaculture.
Available at: Accessed 15/10/2018.

86. SPICe, 2018. Salmon farming in Scotland. 13 February 2018, SB 18-12 rev

87. Marine Scotland Science, 2017. Scottish fish farm production survey 2016.
Available online at:

88. These figures refer specifically to fish production and do not include the associated processing and marketing activities.

89. Ibis

90. Marine Scotland. 2018. Marine Scotland Science, Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2017. May 2018.
Available at

91. ibid

92. ibid

93. ibid

94. Black, K. and Hughes, A. 2017. Future of the sea: Trends in aquaculture. Foresight - Future of the sea evidence review. Foresight Government Office for Science.
Available online:

95. Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Marine Scotland, 2017. The value of aquaculture to Scotland. June 2017.

96. Black and Hughes. 2017. Future of the Sea: Trends in Aquaculture.
Available at: Accessed 22/10/2018.

97. Black and Hughes. 2017. Future of the Sea: Trends in Aquaculture.
Available at: Accessed: 22/10/2018.

98. HIE and Marine Scotland. 2017. The Value of Aquaculture to Scotland, A report for Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Marine Scotland. June 2017.
Available at

99. Celtic Seas Partnership. 2016. What does the future hold for the Celtic Seas?
Available at: Accessed 22/10/2018.

100. Transport Scotland. 2018. Scottish Transport Statistics. No. 36, 2017 Edition.

101. Department for Transport. 2017. Transport Statistics Great Britain 2017.
Available from:

102. Fraser of Allander Institute. 2015. The Economic and Social Impact of CalMac Ferries Ltd on Scotland.
Available at

103. Scottish Government. 2015. Scotland's National Marine Plan.
Available at:

104. Cebr, 2017. The economic contribution of the UK Maritime Sector, A report for Maritime UK.
Available at

105. ABPmer and RPA, 2013. Developing the socio-economic evidence base for offshore renewable sectoral marine plans in Scottish Waters. Report R.2045, June 2013. Appendix B.
Available at

106. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

107. ibid

108. United Kingdom Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS). 2010. Charting Progress 2 Feeder Report Productive Seas. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of UKMMAS (Eds. Saunders, J. and McKie, J.) 472pp
Available online:

109. SEPA. 2016. Prioritised flood protection schemes.
Available at:

110. Land Use Consultants. 2016. Scottish marine recreation and tourism survey 2015.
Available at

111. RYA. 2016. UK Coastal Atlas of Recreational Boating. Second Edition.
Available at

112. EKOS. 2016. Sailing Tourism in Scotland, Report for The Crown Estate, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Scottish Canals. December 2016.

113. Marine Tourism Development Group (MTDG). 2015. Awakening the Giant: A strategic framework for Scotland's marine tourism sector.
Available at

114. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

115. Land Use Consultants. 2007. A Review of Marine and Coastal Recreation in Scotland. Report No. F05AA608.

116. Radford, A., Riddington, G. and Gibson, H. 2009. Economic Impact of Recreational Sea Angling in Scotland. Prepared for the Scottish Government. July 2009. ISBN: 978-0-7559-8130-4.
Available at

117. Visit Scotland. 2018. Up-to-date facts, figures and analysis.
Available at: Accessed 15/10/2018.

118. Marine Tourism Development Group (MTDG). 2015. Awakening the Giant: A strategic framework for Scotland's marine tourism sector.
Available at

119. The James Hutton Institute. 2010. Scotland's Coastal Assets.
Available at Accessed 24/10/2018.

120. Scottish Government. 2018. Summary: Age demographics.
Available at: Accessed 15/10/2018.

121. Scottish Government, 2018. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).
Available at: Accessed 15/10/2018.

122. SEPA. 2018. SEPA Water Classification Hub.
Available at Accessed 04/10/2018.

123. OSPAR. 2017. Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities: Subtidal habitats of the Southern North Sea.
Available at

124. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

125. ibid

126. Regulation (EU) 2016/2336 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2016 establishing specific conditions for fishing for deep-sea stocks in the North East Atlantic and provisions for fishing in international waters of the North East Atlantic and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002.
Available at

127. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

128. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

129. ibid

130. ibid

131. T. J. Webb, E. Vanden Berghe, R. O'Dor. 2010. Biodiversity's big wet secret: The global distribution of marine biological records reveals chronic under-exploration of the deep pelagic ocean, PLoS One.
Available at

132. K. J. Mengerink, C. L. Van Dover, J. Ardron, M. Baker, E. Escobar-Briones, K. Gjerde, L. A. Levin. 2014. A call for deep-ocean stewardship, Science.
Available at

133. Davidson. 1996. An estimation of the total number of marine species that occur in Scottish coastal waters.
Available at [no longer active]

134. Tyler-Walters, H., James, B., Carruthers, M. (eds.), Wilding, C., Durkin, O., Lacey, C., Philpott, E., Adams, L., Chaniotis, P.D., Wilkes, P.T.V., Seeley, R., Neilly, M., Dargie, J. & Crawford-Avis, O.T. 2016. Descriptions of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs). Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 406.
Available at

135. ibid.

136. Ellis, J.R., Milligan, S.P., Readdy, L.,Taylor, N. and Brown, M.J. 2012. Spawning and nursery grounds of selected fish species in UK waters. Sci. Ser. Tech. Rep., Cefas, Lowestoft, 147: 56 pp.

137. ABPmer, 2014. Habitats Regulations Appraisal for the Wave and Tidal Further Leasing. Reports for The Crown Estate, ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd, Report No: R.2160a-c. April 2014.

138. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

139. Duck, C.D. & Morris, C.D. 2016. Surveys of harbour and grey seals on the south-east (border to Aberlady Bay) and south-west (Sound of Jura to Solway Firth) coasts of Scotland, in Shetland, in the Moray Firth and in the Firth of Tay in August 2015. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 929.
Available at

140. ibid

141. Arso Civil, M., Smout, S., Thompson, D., Brownlow, A., Davison, N., Doeschate, M., Duck, C., Morris, C., Cummings, C., McConnell, B. and Hall, A. J. (2018) Harbour Seal Decline - vital rates and drivers. Report to Scottish Government HSD2.
Available at

142. SCOS (2017) Scientific Advice on Matters Related to the Management of Seal Populations: 2017.
Available at: Accessed 15/06/2018.

143. ibid.

144. Jefferies, D.J., Strachan, C. & Strachan, R. 2003. Estimated numbers of the three interacting riparian mammals in Britain using survey data. In: Jefferies, D.J. (Ed) The water vole and mink survey of 1996-1998 with a history of the long-term changes in the status of both species and their causes, pp. 188-197. Vincent Wildlife Trust, Ledbury.

145. Scottish Natural Heritage. 2015. Trend Note: Trends of Otters in Scotland.
Available at

146. O'Neil, Katie E. Cunningham, Emily G. Moore, Daniel M.2019 Sudden seasonal occurrence of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the Firth of Forth, Scotland and first confirmed movement between high-latitude feeding grounds and United Kingdom waters- Marine Biodiversity Records- 12 - 1

147. Whaletrack. UiT (2018). In: The Arctic University of Norway; [online]. Accessed 30/09/2019.

148. Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (2019) Sightings map [online]
Available at, accessed 30/09/2019.

149. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

150. SNH. 2018. Biodiversity Indicator: The numbers and breeding success of seabirds, S005, July 2018.

151. Amkreutz, L., Verpoorte, A., Waters-Rist, A., Niekus, M., van Heekeren, V., van der Merwe, A., van der Plicht, H., Glimmerveen, J., Stapert, D., Johansen, L. 2018. What lies beneath...Late Glacial human occupation of the submerged North Sea landscape, Antiquity vol 92 Issue 361.
Available at

152. Bicket, A., Tizzard, L., Firth, A. and Benjamin, J. 2014. Heritage Management and Submerged Prehistory in the United Kingdom. Prehistoric Archaeology on the Continental Shelf. 10.1007/978-1-4614-9635-9_12.
Available at

153. Awaiting data

154. Geographic Information Group. 2012. Landscapes of Scotland Map. [online]
available at

155. Countryside Commission for Scotland. 1978. Scotland's Scenic Heritage.

156. SNH, 2019, Landscape Policy: Wild Land, [online]
available at, accessed 31/10/2019.

157. Scottish Government, 2014, Scottish Planning Policy, June 2014.

158. Scott, K.E., Anderson, C., Dunsford, H., Benson, J.F. and MacFarlane, R. 2005. An assessment of the sensitivity and capacity of the Scottish seascape in relation to offshore windfarms. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No.103 (ROAME No. F03AA06).
Available at

159. Scottish Government. 2017. Places, People and Planning consultation: Scottish Ministers' position statement.
Available at /publications/places-people-planning-position-statement/.

160. National Grid. 2017. Electricity Ten Year Statement, November 2017.
Available at

161. The figures within this column, and throughout the subsequent regional discussions are based upon an assumption of 5MW potential installed capacity per kmĀ². The source of this assumption is based on available literature as summarised in: Borrmann, R., Rehfeldt, K., Wallasch, A-K., Luers, S. 2018. Capacity Densities of European Offshore Wind Farms.

162. Scottish Enterprise and Highlights and Islands Enterprise. 2010. National Renewables Infrastructure Plan Stage 2.

163. 2018.
Available at Accessed 05/10/2018.

164. BVG Associates, 2011. UK content analysis of Robin Rigg offshore wind farm, a report commissioned by E.ON Climate and Renewables.
Available at, accessed 15/11/2018.

165. Parliamentary Questions, 2018. MOD West Freugh: Written question - 130817
Available at accessed 16/11/2018.

166. Fisheries Research Services, undated. Case Study: Munitions Dumping at Beaufort's Dyke.

167. ibid

168. MMO, 2016. UK Fishing Vessel Numbers by Home Port 2016.
Available at: Accessed 25/10/2018.

169. MMO, 2016. Fish Landings to UK Ports.
Available at: Accessed 25/10/2018.

170. Scottish Government. 2012. Offshore Wind Energy in Scottish Waters - Draft Regional Locational Guidance. doi: 10.7489/1686-1.

171. Port of Cairnryan. 2018. Port of Cairnryan.
Available at: Accessed 12/10/2018.

172. Visit Scotland. 2018. Insight Department: Visitors to Dumfries and Galloway.
Available at: Accessed 21/11/18.

173. Ellis, J.R., Milligan, S.P., Readdy, L.,Taylor, N. and Brown, M.J. 2012. Spawning and nursery grounds of selected fish species in UK waters. Sci. Ser. Tech. Rep., Cefas. Lowestoft, 147: 56 pp.

174. Land Use Consultants. 2010. The Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment.
Available at

175. Scottish Natural Heritage (2010). The special qualities of the National Scenic Areas. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No.374 (iBids and Project no. 648).

176. Scott, K.E., Anderson, C., Dunsford, H., Benson, J.F. and MacFarlane, R. 2005. An assessment of the sensitivity and capacity of the Scottish seascape in relation to offshore windfarms. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No.103 (ROAME No. F03AA06).
Available at

177. ibid

178. Argyle and Bute Renewable Alliance. 2017. Renewable Energy Action Plan.

179. South Ayrshire Council. 2013. Report by Executive Director - Economy, Neighbourhood and Environment to Leadership Panel of 5 November 2013, Subject: Planning Scotland's Seas - South Ayrshire Council's Response to Scottish Government Consultation and Seascape/Landscape Assessment for the Firth of Clyde.
Available at

180. Dumfries and Galloway Council. 2017. Local Development Plan Supplementary Guidance, Part 1 Wind Energy Development: Development Management Considerations: Appendix 'C' Dumfries & Galloway Wind Farm Landscape Capacity Study. Adopted 22 June 2017.
Available at

181. The figures within this column, and throughout the subsequent regional discussions are based upon an assumption of 5MW potential installed capacity per kmĀ². The source of this assumption is based on available literature as summarised in: Borrmann, R., Rehfeldt, K., Wallasch, A-K., Luers, S. 2018. Capacity Densities of European Offshore Wind Farms.

182. Scottish Enterprise and Highlights and Islands Enterprise. 2010. National Renewables Infrastructure Plan Stage 2.

183. Scottish Government. 2014. Scotland's Third National Planning Framework.

184. Peel Ports Group. 2018. E.ON Backs a bright future at Hunterston.
Available at Accessed 05/10/2018.

185. Munro. 2018. Isles MSP hopeful of jobs revival at mothballed fabrication yard in Outer Hebrides, News published in the Press and Journal, 12 September 2018.

186. Stornoway Port Authority. 2016. Draft Masterplan for Stornoway Port.

187. 2018.
Available at Accessed 05/10/2018.

188. Beatrice Offshore Wind Ltd. 2019. About.
Available at: Accessed 16/07/2019.

189. Kishorn Port. 2018. Kishorn Port & Dry Dock - Showcase Day 19th September 2018.
Available at Accessed 05/10/2018.

190. Tiree Onshore Scenario Mapping Steering Group. 2012. Tiree Onshore Scenario Mapping Study.
Available at Accessed 08/10/2018.

191. DP Energy. 2018.
Available at Accessed 08/10/218.

192. Simec Atlantis. 2017. Islay Project.
Available at Accessed 08/10/2018

193. Marine Scotland. 2013. Wave Energy in Scottish Waters- Initial Plan Framework (Draft Plan Options).

194. Marine Scotland. 2013. Tidal Energy in Scottish Waters- Initial Plan Framework (Draft Plan Options).

195. Scottish Government. 2015. Scotland's National Marine Plan, A Single Framework for Managing Our Seas.

196. Western Link. 2018. Western Link Project.
Available at: Accessed 10/10/2018 [no longer active]

197. Glasgow Airport. 2018. Destinations.
Available at: Accessed 11/10/2018.

198. Glasgow Prestwick Airport. 2016. Destinations.
Available at: Accessed 11/10/2018.

199. Highlands and Islands Airports Limited. 2018. Destinations.
Available at: Accessed 11/10/2018.

200. MMO, 2016. UK Fishing Vessel Numbers by Home Port 2016.
Available at: Accessed 25/10/2018.

201. MMO, 2016. Fish Landings to UK Ports.
Available at: Accessed 25/10/2018.

202. Scottish Government. 2012. Offshore Wind Energy in Scottish Waters - Draft Regional Locational Guidance. doi: 10.7489/1686-1.

203. Scottish Government. 2016. Marine Scotland Science. Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2016.

204. Scottish Government. 2017. Marine Scotland Science. Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2017.

205. Aggregate Industries. 2018. Glensanda Port and Terminal Information Booklet.
Available at: Accessed 12/10/2018.

206. Baxter, J.M., Boyd, I.L., Cox, M., Donald, A.E., Malcolm, S.J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh.
Available at

207. Benfield, S., McConnell, S. 2007. Marine and Coastal Visitor Management, Public Engagement and Interpretation in Argyll and the Islands: the way forward. Marine and Coastal Development Unit, Argyll and Bute Council, 2007, 1-145.

208. Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust. 2018. About HWDT.
Available at: Accessed 12/10/2018.

209. National Records of Scotland. 2018. Mid-Year Population Estimates, Mid-2017.
Available at

210. National Statistics, 2018. Regional Employment Patterns: Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2017.
Available at

211. SEPA. 2018. Water Classification Hub, water body condition data for 2017.
Available at Accessed 05/10/2018.

212. Marine Scotland. 2011. Data collated for Marine Atlas, various sources from differing years, presented on NMPi.

213. Ellis, J.R., Milligan, S.P., Readdy, L.,Taylor, N. and Brown, M.J. 2012. Spawning and nursery grounds of selected fish species in UK waters. Sci. Ser. Tech. Rep., Cefas. Lowestoft, 147: 56 pp.

214. SMRU. 2016. Scientific Advice on Matters Related to the Management of Seal Populations.

215. SMRU. 2016. Scientific Advice on Matters Related to the Management of Seal Populations.

216. Paxton, C.G.M., Scott-Hayward, L.A.S. & Rexstad, E. 2014. Statistical approaches to aid the identification of Marine Protected Areas for minke whale, Risso's dolphin, white-beaked dolphin and basking shark. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 594.

217. Wakefield, E., Owen, E., Baer, J., Carroll, M., Daunt, F., Dodd, S., Green, J., Guilford, T., Mavor, R., Miller, P., Newell, M., Newton, S., Robertson, G., Shoji, A., Soanes, L., Votier, S., Wanless, S., Bolton, M. 2017. Density, fine-scale tracking, and large-scale modeling reveal the regional distribution of four seabird species, Ecological Applications, 27(7), 2017, pp. 2074-2091.

218. Wessex Architecture. 2015. Project Samphire,
available at, accessed 22/10/2018.

219. Anderson, C. and Grant, A. 2012. Argyll and Bute Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study, Main Study Report.

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