Sectoral Marine Plan: roadmap of actions

Road map of actions required to improve our understanding of the potential implications of ScotWind sites on seabirds as identified by the Sectoral Marine Plan.

Appendix 2 Full list of projects identified and the Plan Option Areas for which they are relevant

List of projects identified and the Plan Option Areas for which they are relevant
    W1 N1 N2 N3 N4 NE1 NE2 NE3 NE4 NE6 NE7 NE8 E1 E2 E3
Survey Data Collection Regional survey of Scottish East Coast distribution of seabirds at sea             X X X X X X X X X
Survey PO as a whole X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Determine ability to quantify abundance of, and distinguish between, European storm-petrel & Leach's petrel from Digital Aerial Photography   X   X   X X                
Assess proportion of immature/juvenile seabirds from survey data, including but not limited to Digital Aerial photography             X X X X     X X X
Demographic data collection & modelling Support for demographic data collection, especially for kittiwake             X X X X     X X X
Feasibility study for the potential of Motus style tracking study to generate demographic data for seabirds             X X X X     X X X
Collection & collation of colony-specific demographic rates for seabirds from East coast SPAs, especially kittiwake             X X X X     X X X
Quantification of density dependent relationships in kittiwake demographic parameters             X X X X     X X X
Quantify impact of additional pressures (e.g., fisheries, climate change) on kittiwake demography             X X X X     X X X
Meta-population model for Orkney and East Coast kittiwake populations             X X X X     X X X
Cumulative Impact Assessment for Gannet populations, especially Fair Isle           X X X X X          
Tracking Studies GLS Tracking of East Coast auk, gannet, and kittiwake populations outside Breeding season             X X X X X X X X X
Feasibility study for the potential of Motus style tracking study of seabirds to establish connectivity between SPAs and POs in the breeding and non-breeding seasons             X X X X X X X X X
Development of long-term GPS tag attachment methodology for gannet and kittiwake to improve resolution of winter data             X X X X X X X X X
GPS tracking of Manx shearwater from Rum SPA X X X X X                    
GPS Tracking of European Storm-petrel from Sule Skerry and Sule Stack SPA   X                          
GPS Tracking of European Storm-petrel and Leach's petrel from Sula Sgeir and North Rona SPA       X                      
GPS tracking of gannet and kittiwake from Shetland colonies           X                  
GPS Tracking of Fair Isle Gannets           X X X X X X X      
GPS tracking of kittiwake from Copinsay SPA             X X     X X      
GPS Tracking of kittiwake from East Caithness Cliffs SPA             X X X X X X      
GPS Tracking of kittiwake from North Caithness Cliffs SPA             X X X X X X      
GPS Tracking of great black-backed gull from East Caithness Cliffs SPA             X X X X X X      
GPS Tracking of kittiwakes from Troup, Pennan and Lion's Heads SPA             X X X X X X      
GPS Tracking of kittiwake from Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast SPA             X X X X X X X X X
GPS Tracking of common guillemot from Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast SPA             X X X X X X X X X
GPS Tracking of herring gull from Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast SPA             X X X X X X X X X
GPS Tracking of kittiwake from Fowlsheugh SPA                         X X X
GPS Tracking of herring gull from Fowlsheugh SPA                         X X X
GPS Tracking of common guillemot from Fowlsheugh SPA                         X X X
GPS Tracking of razorbill from Fowlsheugh SPA                         X X X
GPS Tracking of gannet from Forth Islands SPA                         X X X
GPS Tracking of razorbill from Forth Islands SPA                             X
GPS Tracking of common guillemot from Forth Islands SPA                             X
GPS Tracking of kittiwake from Forth Islands SPA                             X
GPS Tracking of herring gull from Forth Islands SPA                             X
GPS Tracking of kittiwake from St Abbs Head to Fast Castle SPA                             X
Analysis of tracking data Combine GPS & digital aerial survey data to better understand distribution of seabirds in POs   X         X X X X X X X X X
Analysis of Manx shearwater GPS data from Irish Sea region to assess interactions with existing Offshore Wind Farms X X X X                      
Analysis of GPS data to identify commuting and foraging areas of seabirds             X X X X X X X X X
Reduced uncertainty about collision rates Quantify collisions at existing OWF turbines             X X X X     X X X
Estimates of commuting and foraging flight height and speed of seabirds from GPS tracking data             X X X X     X X X
Analysis of existing Manx Shearwater data to provide data on flight height and speed X X X X                      
Comparison of flight heights of seabirds inside and outside operational wind farms             X X X X     X X X
Comparison of flight heights of seabirds collected using different methodologies             X X X X     X X X
Consideration of the implications of using floating turbines to assess overlap between species flight height distributions and turbine collision risk zone             X X X X     X X X
Consideration of different Collision Risk Model components (e.g., PColl & Flux) and how adjusting those alters estimated avoidance corrections             X X X X     X X X
Reduced uncertainty about displacement Analyse post-construction monitoring data from Beatrice and Moray East offshore wind farms to reduce uncertainty surrounding displacement rates of seabirds             X X X X          
Review the potential for nocturnally active seabird species to be attracted to turbine lighting   X X X X X X X              
Analyse data from existing offshore wind farms to investigate impact of turbine spacing on displacement rates of seabirds     X       X X X X     X X X
Quantify the demographic consequences of displacement and barrier effects for seabirds X           X X X X     X X X
Mitigation & update of existing assessments Review of the potential to use adaptive management and post-construction mitigation in relation to floating turbines   X X     X         X X X X X
Assess the efficacy of mitigation at existing wind farms             X X X X     X X X
Assess cumulative impacts of collision and displacement using a consistent set of parameters and models             X X X X     X X X



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