
Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update

This update to Scotland's 2018-2032 Climate Change Plan sets out the Scottish Government's pathway to our new and ambitious targets set by the Climate Change Act 2019. It is a key strategic document on our green recovery from COVID-19.

Part 3: Sector Chapters

3.0.1 Having world leading emissions reductions targets means a significant and sustained effort will be needed by all to end our contribution to climate change by 2045. The following sector chapters contain the policies and policy proposals that the Scottish Government are committed to delivering, as well as what actions we need the public sector, private sector, individuals and the UK Government to take.

3.0.2 Seven of the eight sectors below relate directly to the seven sector chapters set out in the 2018 ‘Climate Change Plan: The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032’[31]. An additional eighth chapter brings Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) out of sector chapters and in to its own, allowing us to be transparent with our assumptions of these evolving technologies.

3.0.3 As outlined in Annex B: Derivation of Sector Emissions Envelopes, a key element of this update is the presentation of emissions envelopes for each sector, which add up to the annual emissions reductions targets. In the 2018 plan, the Electricity and Industry chapters spoke of Bioenergy and Carbon Capture and Storage, and the sector envelopes contained elements of NETs.

3.0.4 Annex A contains the full list of policy outcomes, policies and proposals for each sector. Any policies that are new since the 2018 Climate Change Plan are marked as ‘new’ and any that have increased in scale or ambition are marked as ‘boosted’. In cases where these new or boosted policies are already announced, footnotes point to when this was. Any policies that are unchanged since the 2018 Plan are ‘maintained’.

3.0.5 The emissions envelopes set out in the chapters below are based upon TIMES modelling with technical refinements made by Scottish Government sector analysts. Though TIMES modelling provides an integrated and consistent approach to the envelopes, there is also inherent uncertainly in areas such as cost, technological development and energy demand. This uncertainty increases over time, and we have therefore accompanied the results of TIMES modelling with other evidence in order to produce the final envelopes included in this Plan update.

3.0.6 The combined envelopes are shown below; this shows the relative effort required by each sector to meet the annual emissions reduction targets to 2032.



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