
See Hear

A strategic framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland

10. Implementation

10.1. It is intended that the areas for action (above) will be taken forward by the Scottish Government and local partnerships, in this instance mainly local statutory agencies and third sector agencies.

10.2. Scottish Government funding will be made available to local authorities on behalf of these local partnerships. It is intended that the local partnership funding will provide resource to facilitate discussion, planning and action at local level.

10.3. Work will be undertaken, driven by nominated partnership leads (who may work in the local authority, NHS Health Board or third sector agency), to identify local priorities and develop work streams, timescales and implementation plans for the various recommendations and areas for action.

10.4. Outcome measures will be agreed by Scottish Government officials and partnership leads to allow measurement of improvement over years 2014/15 and 2015/16 and identify remaining gaps to be addressed thereafter.

10.5. Annex A lists documents, references and tools which may assist in implementation.

10.6. Annex B lists organisations which may assist in implementation.


Email: Alan Nicholson

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