
Social care - self-directed support: framework of standards - May 2024

This framework consists of a set of standards for local authorities to provide them with an overarching structure, aligned to legislation and statutory guidance, for further implementation of the self-directed support approach to social care. This update includes standard descriptor and practice statement and core components and practice guidance.


Social Work Scotland: Interactive and easy read versions of Self-directed Support: Framework of Standards (updated May 2024): Self-Directed Support Framework of Standards (2024) | Care Inspectorate Hub

The Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 (the 2013 Act) sets out the duties of relevant authorities to offer choice when arranging care and support including community care services and children’s services. The 2013 Act was intended to ensure that care and support is arranged, managed, and delivered in a way that supports choice and control for people and is underpinned by four statutory principles relating to a person's human rights: participation and dignity, involvement, informed choice and collaboration. All social care in Scotland should be provided in line with the principles set out in the 2013 Act. The 2013 Act together with the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, create rights for people needing support in Scotland and their carers, as well as placing duties on social care and health professionals.



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