Social care - self-directed support: framework of standards - May 2024

This framework consists of a set of standards for local authorities to provide them with an overarching structure, aligned to legislation and statutory guidance, for further implementation of the self-directed support approach to social care. This update includes standard descriptor and practice statement and core components and practice guidance.

Standard 4: Meaningful and measurable recording practices

Standard descriptor: Conversations about what matters to the person are clearly recorded, resulting in co-produced outcomes that are comprehensive and easy to understand. People’s experiences and preferences are recorded, as well as how these have been acknowledged and expressed in the plan, connecting outcomes to their review.

Practice statement: Recording practice and information systems demonstrate the extent to which practice is carried out in line with the values and principles of Self-directed Support. Recording systems are designed so that data can be aggregated and used for learning, continuous improvement, resource planning and commissioning purposes.

Core Components and practice guidance

4.1 Recording shows evidence that processes of assessment and planning, and decisions about Self-directed Support options and budgets are clearly explained and understood.

How to:

  • The language and format of communication should be easy to read and to access so that people can take an active role in contributing to their assessment, plans and reviews and that outcomes are worded in a way that makes sense to them.¬
  • Children, young people, families, supported people and carers can be supported by an advocate, or someone performing an advocacy role, in meetings and throughout to help support, explain and make sense of the processes and decisions.

4.2 Recording captures the narrative of the person’s story.

How to:

  • Recording captures the quality of conversations with people.
  • Recording details the range of choices, Self-directed Support options and available budgets presented even if these are limited.
  • Recording details the efforts made to support the person to make an informed choice, what choices and options the person has opted for, and why.
  • Recording captures when the person’s first choice of Self-directed Support option cannot be delivered, any alternatives that are offered, and any plan to progressively meet unmet need. This data should inform future commissioning.
  • Recording captures different outcomes, recording strengths, and how risk is managed.
  • Recording shows analysis, decision-making and different perspectives.
  • Recording captures learning from the person’s review.

4.3 Information systems have the functionality to support relationship-based practice and to record the difference Self-directed Support makes to people's lives.

How to:

  • Leaders create the right organisational environment for outcomes-focused recording to be embedded.
  • Local authorities’ information systems should have the functionality to capture and evidence the person’s story.
  • Incorporate diverse ways of recording people’s experiences and outcomes through use of technology such as digital passports, apps or video recordings, which are used to support good conversations.

4.4 Information systems ensure that aggregate data is meaningful, measurable and can be used for continuous improvement.

How to:

  • Leaders ensure that data recorded is consistent across teams.
  • Leaders ensure that what matters to people is recorded and progress towards achievement of personal outcomes is recorded.
  • Aggregated data should be used for learning purposes and continuous improvement.
  • Leaders consider how unmet need and the alternatives offered are routinely recorded for purposes of resource planning and commissioning.
  • Recording information on unmet need and the alternatives offered is important to understand the needs of individuals and communities, and to understand workforce and resource requirements



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