Social care - self-directed support: framework of standards - May 2024

This framework consists of a set of standards for local authorities to provide them with an overarching structure, aligned to legislation and statutory guidance, for further implementation of the self-directed support approach to social care. This update includes standard descriptor and practice statement and core components and practice guidance.

Standard 10: Early planning for transitions

Standard descriptor: People are given the support, time and information they need to plan for their transitions and make decisions as they adjust to new or different phases in their lives.

Practice statement: Transitions happen throughout a person’s life. Planning starts early or when it is appropriate for the individual and has the person’s wellbeing, aspirations and outcomes at the centre.

Core Components and practice guidance

10.1 Planning and decision making should be carried out in a person-led way with a shared understanding and a commitment to person-led approaches across those services that are involved in the transition.

How to:

  • Children, young people, families, supported people and carers should be leading, or at the centre of, planning and decisions made about their health or social care support since they are best placed to know what they need as they transition from one service to another.

10.2 People should have access to information stating what support they are entitled to and what they can expect during different transitions across their lifespan.

How to:

  • Children, young people, families, supported people and carers should be given time to plan their transitions and to explore all available options.
  • People should be given the help they need to make transitions as efficient and effective as possible, and for supported people to make choices and to have control of their care and support during periods of transition.

10.3 Transition planning and support is proportionate to need and, where appropriate, there is a coordinated and collaborative person-centred approach across services or between supported people and those providing their support.

How to:

  • Some transitions such as moving into young adult life, or moving into residential care, will require a coordinated, multiagency approach, whilst others will be managed sufficiently between the person and their support staff.



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