
Self-directed Support: Practitioners Guidance

A practice guide on Self-directed Support for practitioners

Appendix: Glossary


Social Care (Self-Directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013

Action Plan

A record of agreed objectives and actions that are set against time-scales with indications of who is responsible for what.

Active citizen

In relation to engagement with public services, a person with rights, views and expertise.


Independent and trained person usually attached to an organisation who provides an objective voice on behalf of an individual.


Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing, interpreting and reflecting on information to make informed and consistent judgements with a view to determining what, if any, intervention can assist in meeting positive outcomes and change.

Talking Points:
A Personal Outcomes Approach

Practical Guide & Summary briefing


Local authorities who have duties relating to arranging care and support in community care and children’s services.


A defined amount of money set aside for a particular purpose.

Care Programme Approach

The Care Programme Approach (‘CPA’) was developed originally for use at local level in Scotland for people with severe and enduring mental illness as a means of co-ordinating support.

Changing Lives Report

The 21st Century Social Work Review that involved extensive consultation across Scotland with those who use social work services and those who plan, deliver and commission services. Three over-riding conclusions were:

• Doing more of the same won’t work.

• Social work services don’t have all of the answers and need to engage with people as active participants.

• Social workers’ skills are highly valued and increasingly relevant to the changing needs of society but need to be adapted.

‘Child in need’
(Section 22)

Section 93 (4) Children (Scotland) Act 1995 defines a child in need as: being in need of care and attention because:

• s/he is unlikely to achieve or maintain,
or to have the opportunity of achieving or maintaining, a reasonable standard of health or development unless there are provided for him/her services by a local authority

• his/her health or development is likely significantly to be impaired, or further impaired, unless such services are so provided

• s/he is disabled

• s/he is affected adversely by the disability of any other person in his/her family.

Children (Scotland) Act 1995 Guidance and Regulations


Fundamental principle of self-directed support. Choice means having options, alternatives, and opportunity to express preferences.

Christie Commission Report

The Christie Commission was established by the Scottish Government in November 2010 to develop recommendations for
the future delivery of public services.
The Commission, which was chaired by
Dr Campbell Christie CBE, operated independently of government.

Key theme – the workforce must be able to provide effective services and support that are designed with and for people and communities and not delivered top down for administrative convenience.


Statutory principle of the SDS Act – to work together, join forces, partnership and co-production.


The process by which authorities contract with providers of services, both internally and externally.


A principle of new act, people having influence and having a say in, for example, how support is shaped.


Convention of Scottish Local Authorities – the representative voice of local authorities.

Co-ordinated Support Plan (Child or Young Person)

The co-ordinated support plan is a statutory document for children and young people with additional support needs. (There is specific criterion to establish who is eligible for a CSP).


“co-production involves the public sector and citizens working together in an equal and reciprocal fashion. It is more than asset based community development and service user design; more than consulting; goes beyond partnership, co-operation and collaboration. It can be all these things but it is more than the sum of its parts. Efficiently delivered and useful services rely upon both professional expertise
and the assets and efforts of citizens.
Co–production requires us to engage with the ‘core economy’ – ie all the resources and assets that are available to citizens in their every-day lives – wisdom, knowledge and skills from learning in its widest sense; relationships and capacity and emotion, to name a few. Effective services must be underpinned by co-production with individuals, family, community and civil society.” ADSW

Cultural Change

Change that transforms individual and organisational attitude, value base and belief system to support the purpose of that change.

Direct Payment

A cash payment, paid directly to the individual (or to a third party). It is:

• A self-directed support mechanism that allows a person an alternative to community care services

• Money for a person to arrange their
own support

• By paying staff, purchasing services (from agencies or local authorities), buying equipment or a combination
of these

• Increased choice, control and responsibility

• No advantage or disadvantage in terms of ‘amount’ of service.

Duty of Care

Fundamental duty to promote welfare and protect from harm within Section 12 1968 Social Work Scotland Act.

Early Intervention

Preventative engagement and involvement

In relation to children, a collaborative approach to improving a child’s life chances.

The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004

The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 came into force in 2005 and was amended in 2009. The law sets out how pupils should be helped to get the right support to become successful learners and explains how parents can make sure this happens. Additional support for learning means giving any child in need of help or support so they can get the most out of their education and reach their fullest potential.

A summary

Eligibility Criteria

Specific requirements set out as thresholds for accessing specific services.

Equivalency Model

A model being developed for determining budget allocation.


Enabling, feeling permitted and self-determined.

Funded Support

Support that can be costed and purchased, usually in social care and does not include the use of professional skill and time, for example, physiotherapist, social worker, occupational therapist nurse.

‘Getting It Right For Every Child’ (GIRFEC)

The GIRFEC approach is a Scotland-wide programme of action to improve the well-being of all children and young people. Its primary components include: a common approach to gaining consent and sharing information where appropriate; an integral role for children, young people and families in assessment, planning and intervention; a co-ordinated and unified approach to identifying concerns, assessing needs, agreeing actions and outcomes, based on the Well-being Indicators; a Named Person in universal services; a Lead Professional to co-ordinate and monitor multi-agency activity where necessary; and a skilled workforce within universal services that can address needs and risks at the earliest possible point.

Human Rights and Equalities legislation

Self-directed support and all public services are subject to Human Rights and Equalities legislation.

Independent Living

“Independent Living means all disabled people having the same freedom, dignity, choice and control as other citizens at home, at work and in the community. It does not mean living by yourself or fending for yourself. It means rights to practical assistance and support to participate in society and live an ordinary life” – Independent Living in Scotland (ILiS)

This applies to all people.

Independent Service Fund

Where someone wants to use their individual budget to buy supports from
a provider:

• The money is held by the provider on the individual’s behalf

• The provider is accountable to the person

• The person decides how to spend the money

• The provider commits to only spend the money on the individual’s service and the management and support necessary to provide that service.

Individual budget

Individual budget is an allocation of funding for self-directed support given to people after an assessment. The agreement of the budget should be a transparent process that demonstrates compliance with community care and other legislation. The resource can be combined from several funding sources that can be used to design and purchase support to meet eligible needs, from the public, private and voluntary sector.

Informed Choice

Statutory Principle of SDS Act – ensuring individuals have access to or are given enough information in an understandable format to enable them to make decisions and express choice.

Integrated services

The term used to describe jointly resourced and managed services between organisations (such as health and social work) in order to achieve better outcomes for service users and best value.


Principle of the Act; participation and taking part in assessment and support design.

Joint Improvement Team

The Joint Improvement Team (JIT) was established in late 2004 to work directly with local health and social care partnerships across Scotland.


IRISS – Institute of Research & Innovation for Social Services

The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charitable company who support social services by providing research, information and resources.

My World Triangle

As part of the GIRFEC ‘practice model’ for assessing risk and need, the My World Triangle provides a starting point for considering what risks might be present in a child’s life. It focuses attention on the three dimensions of a child’s world: the child themselves; their family; and their wider environment.


Personal outcomes – defined by the person as what is important to them e.g.
it is the difference or positive impact any support plans or intervention have on a person.

Definitions taken from ‘Talking Points’ – Personal Outcomes Approach (Joint Improvement Team).

Outcomes Focused Assessments

Assessments that engage with people through skilled conversation in what matters most and why, and highlights what needs to change and why.


Adult, Child, Young Person or Carer.

Personal Assets

What a person brings through life experience, skills, knowledge, motivation, ideas and their own networks of support and capital.


“Personalisation enables the individual alone, or in groups, to find the right solutions for them and to participate in the delivery of a service. From being a recipient of services, citizens can become actively involved in selecting and shaping the services they receive.” – Scottish Government (2009) ‘Personalisation: A Shared Understanding’


Person Centred

Keeping an individual at the heart of any process that involves or impacts on them.

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a document appointing someone to act on and make decisions on the individual’s behalf, for someone anticipating permanent incapacity or to deal with periods of temporary incapacity. This could be relevant to someone with a fluctuating condition.

Powers of attorney can deal with financial and/or welfare matters.


A worker, (usually but not always a professional ) who will undertake Self- Directed Support Act 2013 responsibilities, which could include colleagues from partner agencies who are delegated by local authorities.


One way of describing rehabilitation, improving mobility or self-care skills.

Resource Allocation System

A Resource Allocation System is a means (under development), of deciding how much money people are entitled to, to be able to purchase the support they need.

Risk Enablement

Promoting positive risk taking.

Screening Assessment

The process of deciding how to action a referral and what priority is afforded to it.

Self-Directed Support

The 2013 Act; to ensure people are involved in their assessment and supported to make informed choices and collaborate in the design of their support.

Support Planning

The complex process whereby information is gathered through assessment, and involving individuals, using their personal outcomes and choices to help define what is going to be most helpful. It will define how goals will be agreed and how people and agencies can work together to achieve them.


Social Policy Research Unit; University of York.

Statutory Regulations

The national guidance and rules which guide the Self–Directed Support Act 2013 implementation in authorities.


In public service – defines the move from children to adult services.


Email: Heather Palmer

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