Self-directed support, Scotland, 2016-17

Report on the third year of implementation.

Key Points

  • In 2016-17, an estimated 70% of Social Care clients were given a choice over their support and services in Scotland. The methodology for calculating the national implementation rate has been refined this year to better reflect the number of people for whom a choice should have been available.
  • 30 Local Authorities returned data on all Self-directed Support options and all 32 Local Authorities returned data on Option 1 and Option 2 clients.
  • The majority of clients (83%) opted for a Local Authority arranged service (Option 3). However, clients aged under 18 were more likely to opt for a Direct Payment (Option 1).
  • Most Self-directed Support clients were aged 65 and over (71%), however this varied across Local Authorities. Six areas had more clients aged under 65 than over.
  • Of all clients making a choice regarding their services and support in 2016-17, 34% were assessed as needing personal care, while 19% were assessed as requiring equipment and adaptations. Clients can have multiple needs.
  • Local Authorities continued to play a key role in providing support to Self-directed Support clients in 2016-17, with 53% of clients receiving some services or support from their Local Authority.
  • At least £539 million was budgeted for Social Care clients who made a choice regarding their support and services in 2016-17. However, there are expenditure recording issues so this should be considered an underestimate.


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