
Self-directed Support Strategy 2010-2020: Implementation Plan 2016-2018

This implementation plan renews the vision for self-directed support and sets out actions to address current challenges.


"Self-directed Support can let you do your absolute favourite things and lets you live the life you want."

Lewis Drummond, 19

When he was four, my son Lewis was diagnosed with moderate learning difficulties and hypotonia (decreased muscle tone). Lewis always had an avid interest in music and singing - musical instruments and nursery rhymes always held his attention when not much else would. When he was growing up we took him to all the free music events we could - bagpipe championships, choirs and hymns at church. But as a teenager Lewis needed more in his life than his family and school, and that's when his social worker introduced him to Self-directed Support and the Community Brokerage Network.

Self-directed Support has been crucial in helping Lewis excel in his talent and experience many new things. He has learned so much over the last couple of years, not just musically but socially too.

Information, advice and encouragement from the Brokerage Network helped to match opportunities to Lewis' individual wishes and interested. They played a huge part in this success for Lewis.

Lewis now attends the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland with a support worker. This gives him time away from the family environment with peers who have much the same interests. Lewis can finally have meaningful conversations about in-depth classical music notations, scales and compositions. His musical composition lecturers commented on how much he has matured over the last year, that he is more able to listen and he is calmer.

Gillian Drummond,

I would like to see my pieces being performed by a band or orchestra. I would like to go to the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland full time - although I don't know what Ayrshire college would do without me! I still need to learn important things in college like following the law and learn how to do a job, hopefully in music. I'm hoping to learn to go out by myself and how to look out for traffic without any help. My main wish is to go to RCS full time.

Lewis Drummond, 19


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