
Self-directed Support : my support, my choice: your guide to social care

A guide to help you if you are getting social care support or if you are thinking of getting support

The money

Why do I need to know about the money spent on my support?

You might want to take control over the money that is spent on your support so that you can spend it in a way that suits you better.

Before you choose how you want to get your support, the council must tell you the amount of money you can have.

Helpful hints

Think of it this way - you wouldn't go to the shops without knowing how much money you had to spend.

In the same way, your council won't ask you to choose how you want to get your support without telling you how much you have to spend and giving you an idea of what that could buy.

The amount that the council offers you for your support is called your individual budget.

Where does the money that is spent on my support come from?

Usually it will come from the council's social work budget.

This means you and the professional working with you should only spend it on things that are part of your support plan.

How does the council decide how much money I will get to spend on my support?

Different councils will do this in different ways, but they must do certain things:

  • your council should have a way of deciding a budget that is fair and clear to everyone
  • the professional working with you should be able to tell you how much money you can get
  • the amount of money spent on your support should be enough to pay for everything in your support plan
  • before deciding how much money to spend on your support, the council must talk to the professional who has worked with you to agree on the kind of support you need

What if I don't think I'm getting enough money?

If you disagree with any part of your assessment, including if you don't think you have been given a big enough budget to pay for your support, you should tell the professional who did the assessment.

If you can't agree on any part of your assessment you might wish to make a complaint (see the 'What if things go wrong?' section for more information).

Will I be charged for the support I receive?

To receive any support from the council you will usually be means tested. This means that the council will ask for details of your income and savings to see whether you should help to pay for your support.

Your council might ask you to pay money towards your support.

Your local authority will ask you to pay the same amount, no matter which option you choose.


Email: Hetaher Palmer

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