
Self-directed Support - Values and Principles Statement

The Values & Principles Statement reinforces the aims of the national SDS strategy, and legislation and is intended to influence local practice in a positive way.

Care and Support in Scotland

Statement of values and principles

This statement relates to:

  • people of all ages who are eligible for care and support, or who may require it in the future
  • carers
  • people who provide support in voluntary and independent
    sector organisations
  • people who provide support in local authorities and the NHS, and people in inspection and monitoring agencies

The statement is based on a human rights approach. This means that, to realise such rights, all forms of discrimination must be prohibited, prevented and eliminated. Many people rely on social care to ensure they can participate in society and live as equal citizens. Thus the allocation and provision of social care must take account of the vital role it has to play in ensuring those who use social care can enjoy the same human rights as people who do not. A human rights-based approach requires the recognition of rights as legally enforceable entitlements and is linked in to national and international human rights law.

This statement recognises that the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 is intended to change the way that care and support is delivered, collectively making the principles of choice and control central to care and support, and giving individuals full opportunity to take control of their support and their lives.

This statement also recognises that the 2013 Act is underpinned by the concept of independent living. This assures that, as with all citizens within the community at large, those who use health and social services, including disabled people of all ages, have the same personal freedom, choice, dignity and control, at home, at work, and in the community. It does not mean people living by, or fending for, themselves. It means rights to practical assistance and support to participate in society and live an ordinary life.

Our values

Our established ideals, the things that we regard as fundamental.

Respect Fairness Independence Freedom Safety

Our principles

The principles of Collaboration, Dignity, Informed Choice, Involvement and Participation are drawn from the Social Care (Self-directed Support) Scotland Act 2013; Innovation, Responsibility and Risk Enablement have been added to reflect the opportunity for creative and flexible approaches to care and support, the table describes how we will put the five values into practice.

Principle This means…
Collaboration Individuals are supported to achieve better outcomes in their lives
Dignity A person’s right to dignity is facilitated throughout the support they receive
Informed Choice People are supported to make informed choices based on impartial information about their eligibility for support, the choices available to them and their aspirations
Involvement Co-production enables people to be involved in a genuine and active way at all stages of their support, to be supported to know their rights; to participate in the development of local policies and practices; to articulate their personal outcomes and to plan, manage and deliver their support; and play an active part in their communities
Participation Everyone has the right to participate in decisions which affect their lives. Therefore, people are supported to participate freely and equally in their community and wider society
Innovation People are supported to develop creative and flexible solutions in order to meet their personal outcomes
Responsibility People are supported to take responsibility for the choices they make and the control they take over the activities to meet their agreed outcomes
Risk Enablement People are empowered and trusted to set the parameters of their own risks and make the choices which will impact on their lives


Email: Allie Cherry

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