
Self-Isolation Support Grant: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) to reflect the policy change from 1 May 2022 reducing the value of the grant from £500 to £225.

Religion and Belief

There is no evidence to suggest people from a faith (as opposed to a minority) background are adversely affected by the SISG.

However, religion and belief became a consideration when we looked at the double vaccinated iteration. Our decision was to leave it at actually having the vaccination, not being offered it because for some, it is a religious decision not to be vaccinated. It would be discriminatory to ask someone their reason/s for exemption and why they had not been vaccinated.

Impact of changes brought in from 1 May 2022

As stated previously, in relation to other protected characteristics, there is no data currently available to suggest that the protected characteristic of religion and belief has been negatively impacted by the changes brought in from 1 May 2022.



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