
Senior officials' outside employment

Details of any paid, or otherwise remunerated, outside employment held by members of the Senior Civil Service (SCS).

Information about any paid (or otherwise remunerated) outside secondary employment declared by members of the Senior Civil Service (SCS) in Scottish Government.

Name of SCS 

Role (in the Scottish Government) 

Outside employment 


Anna Dominiczak

Chief Scientist, Health

Editor in Chief, Precision Medicine



Willie Ferrie 

Director, Parliamentary Counsel 

Appointment as a fee paid judge of the First-Tier Tribunal, Social Entitlement Chamber. Sitting on around 30 days per year, paid a fee for each sitting day. 


Craig French

Solicitor, SCS1

Tutor at the University of Glasgow and Drake University


Innes Fyfe 

Interim Deputy Director Primary Care Capability Division  

SSSC Fitness to Practice Panel - lay member 


Mel Giarchi 

Chief Operational Research Analyst and Acting Deputy Director Whole Systems Intelligence Analysis 

Open University – Associate Lecturer TM111 (Introduction to Computing and Information Technology 1)  


Gill Hawkins

Senior Medical Officer Health Protection and Public Health


Fee-paid Medical Member of the First Tier Tribunal Social Entitlement Chamber, HMCTS


Jennifer Henderson 

Keeper and Chief Executive of Registers of Scotland  

Member of the Accounts Commission for Scotland 


Graeme Hutton 

Director, Forestry and Land Scotland 

Provide advice to the Abroadbean Partnership  


Catriona Maclean 

Public Service Reform and Public Bodies Support (Part Time) 

Inverness Harbour Trust 


Anita Morrison 

Deputy Director, Head of Health and Social Care Analysis 

Netball Coach at Edinburgh Netball Club 


Geoff Ogle 

Chief Executive, Food Standards Scotland 


3 hours of consultation with no remuneration requested, but a donation was paid to Cancer Research UK.   

This data is published in accordance with the Declaration and management of outside interests in the Civil Service guidance.



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