Scottish Environment Statistics Online (SESO): index

Link to archival SESO datasets.

Scottish Environment Statistics Online (SESO) was a web-based dissemination tool operated by the Scottish Government. Until 30 September 2017 all datasets held in SESO were updated whenever new data became available. However much of the data held by SESO is now available elsewhere online, and so, following a consultation, the decision was taken to stop updating the datasets in SESO.

An archival copy of all the datasets held in SESO will remain available to download in Excel format as they were as of 30th September 2017. However the SESO interface (which uses drop-down menus to select year and data subcategories) is not compatible with the new Scottish Government website currently being developed and so will no longer be available.

SESO covered the following topics:

  • Climate Change and the Ozone Layer
  • Air Quality
  • Noise Pollution
  • Inland Water Quality and Use:
    • Water Resources and Water Supply
    • Inland Water Quality
  • Coastal and Marine Waters
  • Waste and Recycling
  • Public Attitudes
  • Radioactivity
  • Land:
    • Land Cover and Land Use
    • Agriculture
    • Forestry
  • Conservation
  • Biodiversity
  • Supplementary Tables



Environment Statistics
Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services
Environment and Forestry Directorate
Scottish Government
3H South
Victoria Quay

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