
Setting The Direction For Nursing & Midwifery Education in Scotland Summary

Summary of Strategic Aims from Chief Nursing Officer's Education Review

Setting the Direction

Ros Moore, Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland set up a review of nursing and midwifery education in January 2012. The review looked at a wide range of activities from selection, recruitment and pre-registration, post-registration and postgraduate education to continuing development and careers across practice, education and research.

The Chief Nursing Officer's Education Review reflected on the strengths and achievements in nursing and midwifery education and research. It also looked forward and recognised the future requirements of a workforce delivering high quality care within a rapidly changing health and care context.

Setting the Direction[1], focuses on six strategic aims from the Review and provides the platform for a strong and positive future for nursing and midwifery education in Scotland. This will mean that for all nursing and midwifery staff:

  1. Post-registration and postgraduate education and continuing professional development is planned, flexible and tailored to priority areas
  2. NHSScotland values[2] and professionalism are embedded in education, research and practice
  3. Pre-registration education prepares practitioners for changing models of health and care delivery
  4. The practice environment facilitates learning for all staff and students
  5. Strong clinical academic collaboration ensures that research and evidence underpin and drive improvements in quality
  6. An infrastructure will be in place to deliver efficient, responsive and sustainable education

Nursing and midwifery staff are at the heart of person-centred, safe healthcare. They prevent and detect health problems, make access more equitable, maximise the benefits of digital technology and through a continuous improvement approach improve efficiency and effectiveness. This can only be delivered by a workforce that is confident, competent and caring with access to the best education and development.

I firmly believe that with everyone's commitment and collaboration the six strategic aims of Setting the Direction will be achieved. This will strengthen the contribution of the nursing and midwifery workforce to the vision and values set out in Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision[3] and support the Scottish Government's Quality Ambitions[4] and 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care[5].

I now encourage you to join us in moving this important agenda forward together. A national Delivery Group will drive and oversee the work supported by work streams focusing on each strategic aim. There will be opportunities for everyone to play their part as students, service users, practitioners, clinical leaders, researchers or educationalists as part of the national reference groups or within your local areas.

Taking this forward, in partnership with you will be a privilege and is a professional imperative for all of us.

Ros Moore

Ros Moore
Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland


Email: Jane Harris

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