Setting the Table Guidance: Equality Impact Assessment

This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was undertaken to consider the impact of the updated Setting the Table Guidance on people with protected characteristics.

Executive summary

Setting the Table - the nutritional and food standards for early years childcare providers in Scotland, is a national guidance publication for food provision in early years childcare provision. Setting the Table was originally published by NHS Health Scotland (now Public Health Scotland) in 2015. The guidance received an update in 2018 to reflect key policy and evidence changes. As a result of the Scottish Government expansion to 1,140 hours of funded ELC the need for a further update was identified. In 2020, a Scottish Government led multi-partner working group was established to coordinate the update. Following a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the multi-partner working group was reconvened with the view to publishing the updated guidance document in October 2024.

The update to Setting the Table does not include any changes to existing policy, or set out any changes to current expectations on ELC providers. As part of the Scottish Government’s expansion to 1,140 funded hours of ELC, providers of funded ELC are required to deliver a free meal as part of the ELC day (in line with Quality Criteria 10 of the National Standard).

This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was undertaken to consider the impact of the updated Setting the Table on people with protected characteristics. The revised guidance is intended to ensure that ELC providers and practitioners are equipped with the necessary information and advice on how best to meet the individual cultural and dietary needs of all eligible children in ELC, including the provision of food for children with protected characteristics, as defined in the Equality Act (2010). This includes tailored advice on meeting the needs of children from minority ethnic groups and with alternative religions or belief systems (race, and religion or belief), and children with disabilities or additional support needs (ASN) (disability). It is therefore expected that there will be a direct positive impact on all eligible children, including those with the aforementioned protected characteristics, aged 0-5 across Scotland who receive a free healthy and nutritious meal as part of their ELC.



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