Setting the Table Guidance: Equality Impact Assessment

This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was undertaken to consider the impact of the updated Setting the Table Guidance on people with protected characteristics.

Recommendations and Conclusion

This EQIA process did not identify any direct or indirect unlawful discrimination through the update to Setting the Table. It is however recognised that there is expected to be a direct positive impact on all eligible children aged 0-5 in Scotland who receive a healthy and nutritious meal as part of their ELC day. This is due to the revised practical advice and up-to-date nutritional standards within the updated guidance document. Furthermore, the update to Setting the Table is expected to have a particularly positive impact on children with the protected characteristics, disability, race, and religion and belief. This is because the revised guidance document includes tailored advice for meeting the needs of all children, including those most at risk of not having their rights to appropriate and nutritious food fulfilled e.g. minority ethnic groups and/or children with alternative religions or belief systems, children from low socio-economic backgrounds or living in poverty.

The Scottish Government will work closely with sector bodies to ensure the successful implementation of the updated Setting the Table across the ELC sector. As the guidance is already in place across the sector and is only receiving an update, monitoring and review will be proportionate. The Scottish Government intends to use existing communication channels and established sector governance structures to evaluate the performance of the implementation of the updated guidance document. ELC settings will continue to be responsible for developing independent food policies for the provision of a free healthy and nutritious meal for all eligible children aged 0-5 as part of their ELC day. The Scottish Government is also exploring a range of options for sourcing further data and feedback on the provision of a free healthy and nutritious meal as part of the ELC day.



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