Setting the Table Guidance: Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

This impact assessment considers the impacts of the updated Setting the Table Guidance on the children from most socio- economic disadvantage.

Stage 4 – decision

The decision stage allows deputy directors (or above) to consider the assessment process from stages 2 and 3. They can also agree changes to the policy, proposal or decision and confirm that due regard to meeting the Fairer Scotland Duty has been achieved.

Key questions to discuss at this summary stage are:

There are no key questions to discuss at this stage of the FSDA. This is an update to the existing Setting the Table guidance documents, including revised nutritional standards and updated advice on the provision of food in ELC. The Scottish Government led multi-partner working group leading on the update to the guidance document includes key stakeholders from across the sector who have provided their respective sign-off. Regarding funded ELC, the update to Setting the Table does not include any changes to existing policy, or set out any changes to current expectations on ELC providers to deliver a free meal as part of the ELC day, and as part of the Scottish Government’s expansion to 1,140 funded hours of ELC (in line with Quality Criteria 10 of the National Standard).

Sign off of the Fairer Scotland Duty Impact Assessment (FSDA) template:

Name: Eleanor Passmore

Job title: Deputy Director, Early Learning and Childcare Division, Children and Families Directorate



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