Setting the Table Guidance

Nutritional Standards and Practical Guidance for Early Learning and Childcare Providers in Scotland. Childcare services providing food and/or drinks to children 0-5 years, and are registered with Care Inspectorate, will be responsible for the implementation of this guidance.

Appendix 5: Useful websites

A list of key websites used within this document and others that may be useful to support the implementation of the guidance have been provided for your information.

A healthier future: Scotland’s diet and healthy weight delivery plan | Scottish Government (

Allergy Training Courses | Allergy Action (

Allergy Awareness Joint Award | REHIS (

Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland: report | Scottish Government (

Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods | (

Breastfeeding | Ready Steady Baby! | NHS Inform (

Breastfeeding and your business | (

Breastfeeding friendly Scotland early learning scheme | NHS Education for Scotland (

Breastfeeding etc. (Scotland) Act 2005 (

BSACI - Paediatric Allergy Action Plans

Care Inspectorate (

Care Insepctorate Hub - Early Learning and Childcare (

Children and diabetes | Diabetes UK (

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 (

Coeliac UK (

Coeliac disease | NHS inform (

Community Training | REHIS (

Continuous Professional Learning - Early learning and childcare: induction resource | Scottish Government (

Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) Portal | Scottish Social Services Council (

CookSafe Manual | Food Standards Scotland (

Curriculum for Excellence | Education Scotland (,scot)

Diet and mental health | Mental Health Foundation (

DigiBete (

Early learning and childcare expansion - 2 year old eligibility: BRIA | Scottish Government (

Early learning and childcare – national induction resource | National Records of Scotland (

Early Years Allergy Training | Anaphylaxis UK (

Eating well for 1-4 year olds | Caroline Walker Trust (

Eating well in the first year | First Steps Nutrition Trust (

Eating well: vegan infants and under 5s | First Steps Nutrition Trust (

Equality Act (2010) | Education Scotland (

Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report | GOV.UK (

First aid for a baby who is choking | British Red Cross (

First aid for a child who is choking | British Red Cross (

Fish and shellfish | NHS (

Food matters: nurturing happy healthy children | Care Inspectorate Hub (

Food Policy Guidance for Early Years Settings | Early Start Group (

Food safety advice on choking hazards in settings | The foundation years (

Food (Scotland) Act 2015 (

Formula feeding | Parent Club (

Formula feeding: How to feed your baby safely | Public Health Scotland (

Fun first foods: an easy guide to introducing solids foods | Public Health Scotland (

Funding Follows The Child and The National Standard for Early Learning and Childcare Providers: Operating Guidance | Scottish Government (

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) | Scottish Government (

Going Baby Friendly: Maternity, Neonatal, Health Visiting & Children’s Centres | Baby Friendly Initiative (

Health and Social Care Standards: my support, my life | Scottish Government (

Industry guide to good hygiene practice | UK Hospitality (

Improving maternal and infant nutrition: a framework for action | Scottish Government (

Improving the oral health of children in Scotland | Childsmile (

Infant and young child feeding - UNICEF DATA (

Infant milks for parents & carers | First Steps Nutrition Trust (

Infants & new mums | First Steps Nutrition Trust (

Information about Food Allergies | Food Standards Scotland (

Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF) (

Keeping children safe practice notes | Care Inspectorate Hub (

Learning your baby’s cues | Parent Club (

Legal Requirements for Childminders in Scotland | Food Standards Scotland (

Local Authorities | Food Standards Scotland (

Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme - Maternal and child health | Scottish Government (

Nutrient Analysis of Fish | GOV.UK (

Off to a good start: all you need to know about breastfeeding | Public Health Scotland (

Online Allergy Training | Food Standards Scotland (

Preparing food safely for babies - Start for Life | NHS (

Public Health Scotland Learning Zone | Public Health Scotland (

Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 (

Realising the Ambition - Resources | Education Scotland (

SACN Carbohydrates and Health Report | GOV.UK (

SACN Early Life Nutrition Report | GOV.UK (

SACN report: feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years | GOV.UK (

Safer food, better business for childminders | Food Standards Scotland (

Scottish Qualifications Authority (

Start for life: what to feed around 6 months | NHS (

Supporting healthy smiles: Childsmile practice note for early learning and childcare (ELC) | Care Inspectorate Hub (

Supporting people with serious allergies | Anaphylaxis UK (

The Eatwell Guide | Food Standards Scotland

The Scottish Health Survey 2022 - volume 1: main report | Scottish Government (

The Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (Requirements for Care Services) Regulations 2011 (

Under-fives | The Vegan Society (

Vitamin D: advice for parents | Scottish Government (

Vitamin D campaign toolkit | Food Standards Scotland (

What are health inequalities? - Health inequalities | Public Health Scotland (



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