Setting the Table Guidance

Nutritional Standards and Practical Guidance for Early Learning and Childcare Providers in Scotland. Childcare services providing food and/or drinks to children 0-5 years, and are registered with Care Inspectorate, will be responsible for the implementation of this guidance.

Appendix 7: References

1 A healthier future: Scotland’s diet and healthy weight delivery plan (

2 Diet and mental health (

3 Improving the oral health of children in Scotland (

4 Diet, behaviour and learning in children (

5 The State of the World’s Children 2019 (

6 SACN Early Life Nutrition Report (

7 SACN report: feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years (

8 Acute hospital activity and NHS beds information (annual) (

9 What are health inequalities? - Health inequalities (

10 Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report (

11 Breastfeeding friendly Scotland early learning scheme (

12 Food banks and other crisis help (

13 Vitamin D: advice for parents (

14 Breastfeeding etc. (Scotland) Act 2005 (

15 Learning your baby’s cues (

16 Formula feeding: How to feed your baby safely (

17 Feeding with infant formula - Ready Steady Baby! (

18 Infant and young child feeding (

19 Vitamin D: advice for parents (

20 Vitamins for children (

21 Breast milk storage and bottle hygiene (

22 Breast milk storage and bottle hygiene (

23 Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report (

24 Keeping your baby safe in the sun (

25 Breastfeeding friendly Scotland early learning scheme (

26 Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report (

27 The Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula (Scotland) Regulations 2007 (

28 SACN report: feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years (

29 Infant milks: Information for parents & carers (

30 Types of formula milk (

31 Infant milks: Information for parents & carers (

32 Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report (

33 Fun first foods: An easy guide to introducing solid foods (

34 Vitamin D: advice for parents (

35 Fun first foods: An easy guide to introducing solid foods (

36 Your baby’s first solid foods (

37 Your baby’s first solid foods (

38 What to feed at 7 to 9 months - Start for Life (

39 Fun first foods: An easy guide to introducing solid foods (

40 Your baby’s first solid foods (

41 Fun first foods: An easy guide to introducing solid foods (

42 Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report (

43 Eating well in the first year (

44 Marketed food for children (

45 Commercial infant and baby food and drink: evidence review (

46 Start for life: what to feed around 6 months (

47 Eating well in the first year (

48 SACN report: feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years (

49 Infant milks: Information for parents & carers (

50 Fun first foods: An easy guide to introducing solid foods (

51 Fun first foods: An easy guide to introducing solid foods (

52 Fish and shellfish (

53 Infants & new mums (

54 Infant and young child feeding (

55 Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report (

56 Fun first foods: An easy guide to introducing solid foods (

57 SACN report: feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years (

58 SACN report: feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years (

59 Eat Better, Start Better (

60 SACN report: feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years (

61 Feeding in the first year of life: SACN report (

62 The Scottish Health Survey 2022 - volume 1: main report (

63 Nutrient Analysis of Fish (

64 Good Fish Guide (

65 Certified Sustainable Seafood (

66 Fun first foods: An easy guide to introducing solid foods (

67 Fish and shellfish (

68 Red and processed meat and cancer risk - Preventing cancer (

69 SACN report: feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years (

70 Information about Food Allergies (

71 Food Policy Guidance for Early Years Settings (

72 Curriculum for Excellence (

73 Children’s food: safety and hygiene (

74 Preparing food safely for babies- Start for Life (

75 Early learning and childcare: induction resource (

Scottish Government cannot be held responsible for the contents of any other website accessed through a link in this guidance. Scottish Government shares these links as a convenience. Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement by Scottish Government of an external site.



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