Sexual Health and Bloodborne Virus Oversight Committee minutes: May 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 17 May 2024.

Attendees and apologies


  • Jenni Minto MSP, Minister for Public Health and Women’s Health 


  • Alan Eagleson, Terrence Higgins Trust
  • Andrew McAuley, Scottish Health Protection Network (SHPN) BBV Non-Sexual Transmission Group 
  • Beth Cullen, Deputising for Kirsty Roy, Public Health Scotland (PHS) STI/BBV Team representative
  • Dan Clutterbuck, SHPN HIV Clinical Leads/HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Implementation Group 
  • Daniel Kleinberg, Deputy Director, Population Health Resilience and Protection, Scottish Government 
  • Daniela Brawley, SHPN HIV Clinical Leads 
  • Julie Craik, SHPN Sexual Health and Bloord Borne Virus (SHBBV) Coordinator Network 
  • Kirstin Mitchell, SHPN National Monitoring Assurance and Research Group (NMARG)
  • Nicola Steedman, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Scottish Government 
  • Rebekah Carton, SHBBV Team Leader, Population Health Resilience and Protection, Scottish Government
  • Sharon Hutchinson, SHPN Viral Hepatitis Strategic Group/NMARG
  • Sinead Cook, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
  • Stephen Barclay, SHPN Viral Hepatitis Strategic Group 
  • Yvonne Kerr, SHPN Sexual Health Promotion Specialists Group 


  • Anna Glasier, Women's Health Champion, Scottish Government
  • Becky Metcalfe, SHPN Clinical Leads for Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Ciara Cunningham, SHPN Clinical Leads for Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Gill Hawkins, Senior Medical Officer, Scottish Government
  • Grant Sugden, SHPN SHBBV Coordination Network/Waverley Care
  • Kirsty Roy, Public Health Scotland STI/BBV Team representative
  • Nicky Coia, SHPN Sexual Health Promotion Specialists


  • Fiona Mackenzie, PHS
  • Jim McMenamin, PHS


  • SHBBV Policy Team, Scottish Government 

Items and actions

Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Minister welcomed attendees to the first meeting of the Committee. Due to time constraints, members were invited to introduce themselves when speaking. Apologies were noted as above.

Overview, terms of reference and membership 

The group discussed whether the current membership sufficiently represented the breadth of work around sexual health and blood borne viruses, and if the draft terms of reference were appropriate. It was suggested that primary care and the National Drugs Mission/Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) standards were additional areas where representatives should be sought.

Group members were invited to email the committee secretariat with any further comments on the terms of reference (TOR). A revised version will be shared for sign-off at the next meeting.


  • Minister to discuss group membership with Christine McKelvie MSP – Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy
  • officials to discuss representation with primary care and drugs policy teams
  • committee members to email secretariat with any further comments on TOR – revised version to be shared ahead of next meeting

Key issues from workstreams

Reaching the hepatitis C elimination target

Sharon Hutchinson and Stephen Barclay presented information on progress towards the goal of eliminating hepatitis C (HCV) as a public health concern in Scotland by March 2025 and outlined joint work across the UK on validating achievement of the World Health Organization elimination goal. The group discussed areas of focus, including promoting and monitoring testing in key settings such as prisons and drug services. 


  • Minister to raise issue of testing in prison healthcare joint ministerial group
  • officials to link with colleagues in drugs policy and justice policy on promoting testing in key services
  • public Health Scotland (PHS) to consider HCV testing-related Key Performance Indicators as part of monitoring and evaluation plan

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) landscape 

Beth Cullen presented data on STIs, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and testing and outlined PHS's work in relation to monitoring and evaluation, and roll-out of online postal self-sampling (OPSS) for STI testing. It was noted that OPSS services elsewhere in the UK include hepatitis C and suggested that this should be considered in Scotland.

Kirstin Mitchell outlined the Scottish Government-funded research she is leading on sexual wellbeing, which is recognised as an upstream driver of STIs and risk-taking behaviours.

The group discussed sexual health improvement, including raising awareness amongst the heterosexual population and maintaining a focus on young people.

HIV Stigma – next steps after the campaign 

The Minister reflected on the national HIV anti-stigma campaign and the recent enquiry by the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee which included a focus on stigma. The Minister acknowledged committee members’ contributions to this. The group discussed potential next steps in relation to education and awareness raising.

Any other business (AOB)

No AOB was raised

Next meeting

The next meeting will be held on 8 January 2025. The Minister invited committee members to submit suggestions of agenda items for the next meeting to the secretariat.

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